Question: Does anyone have experience or documentation on how to get an App Clip to show on Apple Maps for a location?
What I've tried: I have tried to associate my App Clip with an Apple Maps location. We are working with a physical restaurant that has an Apple Maps location, our full app is listed there but not the App Clip.
I've gone through the steps of setting up the Advanced App Clip Experience and giving it the location we want it associated with, and have gone through Apple Business Connect and done all the setup there to get the full app to show with the location, but the app clip still does not show.
I've contacted Apple Support and they gave me the criteria of "The App Clip is hosted within the app" and "The app is associated to the same physical location". When asking for clarification with the first criteria they said they could help and closed the chat.
In our app clip, we open/show the full app download banner. We used to have the expected behavior, but with seemingly no changes to the app download banner code we have the following issue.
Expected behavior:
App download banner shows in app clip, user presses "Get" button, app is downloaded and installs, "Get" button changes to "Open" button (note: button is blue), user presses "Open" button and the full app is opened.
Current behavior:
App download banner shows in app clip, user presses "Get" button, app is downloaded and installs, "Get" button changes to "Open" button (note: button is now grey), user presses "Open" button but nothing happens.
With the current behavior, the full app is correctly downloaded and the appclip removes itself from the phone, but the open button does nothing.