




Detect visionOS Safari to not provide mobile orientation features. Comes up as Ipad.
I was wondering if anyone has managed to figure out a way to properly detect visionOS in Safari ? So I dont include device orientation controls when going fullscreen for my VR player features. It comes up as detecting as Ipad and so has ipad functions it cant do. Its asking for orientation permissions it doesn’t need also. I've already got transient-pointer XR input controls working. I’m not sure why they did that other than making life hard for developers I already had to spend days trying to fix my VR Canvas picture in picture hacks and Iphone fullscreen hack as Iphone still doesnt have html fullscreen support for WebGL canvas. those hacks decided to break. desktop safari now needed the canvas video added to dom to get pip working and and now a 100ms delay was needed to get Iphone fullscreen working.
Apr ’24
Can't web inspect Safari in VisionOS 1.1 I get "No Inspectable Applications"
I've been having a hard time getting WebXR testing working in VisionOS. I had Ventura and installed VisionOS 1.0 and video crashed launching to WebXR. To get 1.1 I did alot of jumps to get XCode 15.3 beta and VisionOS 1.1 requiring to also upgrade to macOS Sonoma. In Ventura I was able to web inspect Safari in VisionOS 1.0 but in Sonoma, and VisionOS 1.1 I get "No Inspectable Applications" I have tried Safari and Preview Safari.
Feb ’24
Developer login not accepting my Yubikey on macOS but ok on windows
I setup my Yubikey for 2FA on my login on macOS. It was working for some time but now it fails and goes into a loop. Both keys I had to setup fail. I can login to my account on windows fine. I think its broken and a bug. In Ventura I wasnt being given the silly passkey dialog only once I upgraded was I given the passkey dialog to select security key I had to download xcode 15.3 beta from windows and sftp it over. Even though I have beta enabled its not giving me the option for xcode 15.3
Feb ’24
0 valid identities found setting up signing certificates
I'm trying to setup a new build machine and I can't seem to get the signing certificates detected by the security tool with "0 valid identities found" My id is linked to a team but my role is "app manager". In my console I can see the certificates but cant download the developerID installer cert. In Xcode no ceritifcates show up for that team ID in the list. The certs were generated by the developer console. I had to get the client to insecurely send me the certs because of this restriction. I imported them into the keychain but the tool still won't show anything. Is this another problem not having the correct root certificate installed ? I had all this setup in a VMWAre which was working before I lost all data due to a crash so setting it up fresh on a mac mini. I should be able to have just synced the certs through xcode and start signing installers. I researched hundreds of pages and no answer for my problem.
Dec ’23