If the user clicked it, they clearly received it.
Besides, can't you just assume that a notification is actually sent? We assume lots of things, why would you need to confirm this specific thing?
I did originally suggest this approach, then changed my mind as it seems like overkill for this task :)
Yeah, I figured that out a while ago. Forgot I'd still got this outstanding.
I can't remove your post, and there's no reason to. I'm not an Apple employee. These forums are primarily for developers writing apps for Apple's platforms to discuss code issues and ask for help. While some Apple staff do appear, this isn't their day job, and they do it as a friendly courtesy to us all.
Ha, sorry Claude. I posted my tidy-up of his code and completely forgot to fix his issues :)
Lols :)
No need to delete the post, as like you said, someone else may stumble across this and get the answer.
Also, you can only edit your posts within an hour.
This is because, I think, the tag has to be an integer or a String, and cannot be a mix. So, yes, when I suggested you use a nil and the rest as Strings I was incorrect, but I'm doing this without using Xcode and going from memory.
As I said before, onChange has not been deprecated.
onChange(of:perform:) has been deprecated in favour of onChange(of:) which is the version I told you to use.
What floating point numbers? If you're talking about, say 0.9, then that's 0.9 * 256 = 230.4, you round it down and store 230, which is E6.
Did you actually try my code, or just look at it and say it's essentially the same?
I'm not sure you're explaining yourself properly. Can you show us some code that exhibits the issue?
I cannot recommend this suggestion enough. AppIntents are a much better solution, and honestly should've been brought in years ago. Glomming widgets onto Siri Intents was so fragile and caused so many problems.
Hey, this is nothing to do with the Simulator...
Oh, how annoying. Well, glad you've fixed it.
How about wrapping showingShare = true in a Dispatch After call with a delay of, say, 3 seconds? It might then correctly show the sheet, which suggests it is a timing issue.