




Transition Move to Bottom doesn't respect animation duration
Hi all, I’m working on a custom action sheet in SwiftUI that slides in and out from the bottom using .transition(.move(edge: .bottom)). However, I’ve encountered an issue where the transition doesn’t respect my specified animation duration. Here’s the basic structure of my action sheet: ZStack { .opacity(0.5) VStack { SomeActionSheetContent() } .transition(.move(edge: .bottom)) .zIndex(1) } Each button inside the action sheet triggers a dismissal using this code: Button { withAnimation(onDismissAnimation) { isPresented = false } } onDismissAnimation can be any Animation, but for demonstration, I’m using .linear(duration: 5). The problem is that when dismissing the action sheet, the animation is significantly faster than expected, around 5 times faster. For example, a 0.35-second animation finishes in just a fraction of that time. To investigate further, I tested with .transition(.move(edge: .top)), and in that case, the transition respects the specified animation duration perfectly. Does anyone know why the transition behaves differently when dismissing to the bottom versus the top?
Oct ’24
@Environment for new @Observable macro not creating bindings?
Hi guys, I am trying to use the new @Observable macro. According to the documentation, this new macro will automatically generate observable properties, but I am having issues using my properties when Bindings are necessary. Previously I had a setup like this: class Example: ObservableObject { @Published public var myArray = [CustomType]() } I initialised one instance of the Example-class in @main @StateObject private var exampleClass = Example() And added as an .environmentObject onto the root view ContentView() .environmentObject(exampleClass) In child views I was able to access the @Published property as a binding via @EnvironmentObject private var example: Example $example.myArray What I am trying now This is the setup that I am trying with now: @Observable class Example { public var myArray = [CustomType]() } State instead of StateObject in @main @State private var exampleClass = Example() .environment instead of .environmentObject ContentView() .environmentObject(exampleClass) @Environment instead of @EnvironmentObject @Environment(Example.self) private var example This new setup is not letting me access $example.myArray. Is this intended? Could someone explain why?
Oct ’23
Associated Domains AutoFill on watchOS stand alone app
Hi guys, I am trying to get webcredentials for associated domains to work on a standalone watchOS-app that I am working on. The AASA-file is hosted correctly, and the keychain autofill works fine on the iOS-app within the same workspace using the same associated domain. The setup on the watchOS-app is close to identical to the iOS-app. The textContentType-modifiers are correctly added onto the textfields. Within the watchOS-app, the textfields allow me to browse my keychain but it doesn't filter the credentials linked to my associated domain. The developer docs say: For watchOS apps, you must add the Associated Domains capability to the WatchKit Extension target. I assume that this doesn't apply to standalone watchOS-apps that do not have the WatchKit Extension. Has anyone encountered this issue? Appreciate any ideas.
Jul ’23