




Reply to MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork crashes on Swift 6
Wow, this was as simple as adding a @Sendable keyword! I posted about this last month here: I also submitted a bug report #FB15145734 as I assumed the block was being run on the incorrect thread which was out of our control. Happy to have this working now, but I do wonder is this still an issue with the function, or simply a Swift 6 compiler issue?
Oct ’24
Reply to ITMS-90428: Invalid Swift Support - The files libswift_Concurrency.dylib don’t match
I've tried so many builds and none work. After letting Xcode package to upload, both the /SwiftSupport/watchOS/libswift_Concurrency.dylib and /Payload/ files contain the same swift version 5.7.1, however the one in /SwiftSupport contains the arm64e slice but the other one doesn't. I can't get Xcode to export the build without arm64e and I'm not sure if I can just remove it from the .app or whether the signature will then be invalid?
Oct ’22