




Pending Paid Apps Agreement - going nuts
We dont have any paid apps we only push a free app in the app-store. a few times a year Apple then comes out with 'new agreements' and then it stops my developers from being able to push versions until we have 'accepted the new agreements' - and that can only be by a certain user that has to go in and click 'yes' on something that we never read anyways right. And nomatter what it keeps having this Paid Apps that i need to do something on - and then its pending and then .... who knows. It is super annoying as i dont carry iphone and i dont use macbooks and my 2 factor verification unit ( which has to be apple ofcourse....) isnt always on me especially here during lockdowns & isolation etc which caused a huge headache. My question : can i just be free of having to agreeing to any paid apps here and get that out of the loop totally because you pause our commits by having me to sign in and click yes on some odd thing your lawyers changed could you consider just sending an OTP to a phonenumber and not trying to force an apple device us on us managers ? my developers have macbooks etc its fine but they cant accept these contracts. and i dont need this paid apps thing why cant we just have this option of not dealing with it until we have a paid app in the store - it doesnt make sense.
Jun ’21