




Core Bluetooth throughput issues
Hello everyone, we are having some trouble with BLE on an iPhone. We are using iOS 18.2, and an iPhone 16 Pro Max as our testing device. We wrote BLE scanning and connection. After connection, we are able to the physical device to collect data and send it us in various configurations. Data collected by the device is sent to an iPhone using characteristic notifications, and not manual reads. We've coded up throughput tester app, that measures how many bytes can be reliably received from the bluetooth device, without packets dropping. We found that the maximum achievable throughput is around 300-400 kbps, which is significantly less than what we achieve on Android with the same bluetooth device, where we commonly have values well over 1000 kbps. Our device has a separate characteristic for BLE parameters, and we've validated that in all cases, parameters of the connection are same as they are on Android, and they are: PHY - 2 MTU - 244 Connection Interval - 15ms We have also tried testing it with an airplane mode turned on, and only bluetooth active - it didn't make any significant changes to the throughput. Do you have some recommendations on what we could try to maximize the throughput? All answers are welcomed, thanks!
Dec ’24