I'm encountering the same issue, though I've never seen the font appear in the font drop down in interface builder.
I'm trying to do this for a macOS app.
I feel like there is some simple step that has been missed.
On the latest distribution of Xcode and latest available macOS... all current in other words. Xcode 16.2
Thank you. I appreciate the responses guys.
Confirmation that it isn't something I've missed/done.
Feedback is a good idea too. Will do that in the next day or so.
Posting this again so I can include the image.
I think I've found it. Quite possibly my project includes some legacy code or otherwise... i.e. Intel based. I'll have to look into that. under the PRODUCT menu, go down to DESTINATION. I had to change the Destination Architectures to Show Both. After doing this "My Mac (Rosetta)" was then showing back in Product --> Destination from the dropdown menu.
I've got the same error.
macOS App. and I've tried to build and run on Apple Silicon.
I don't see "My Mac" as an option - only "Any Mac (Intel)"... which of course this mac is an M2.
the build architectures include Apple Silicon.
There must be some setting I have missed.
Oh... BTW, I have created a new app from scratch (i.e. built in default) and it builds and runs successfully. So it must be something misconfigured my legacy app.
This is interesting. I have an Application (in the AppStore) that has been round for some time. It has a MapView and when you tap on a button a segue pushes a new view on top of the map view. I've raised the minimum supported OS level from iOS 12 to iOS 13. And now the behaviour has changed such that the view is pushed, displayed and immediately backs itself out... and the action of the button to repeat no longer works.
I have changed the iPhone behaviour to now be a popover which is working.
Hmmm, did you every get an answer to this?
I've got the exact same question.
I believe I have my code working again.For the record I had edited the Options... and removed two relating to iCloud. I had to put those changes back in again. options = @{NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption: @YES, // Key to automatically attempt to migrate versioned stores
NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption: @YES, // Key to attempt to create the mapping model automatically
NSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentNameKey: @"my_DataStore", // Option to specify that a persistent store has a given name in ubiquity.
NSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentURLKey: icloudURLForLogs, // Option to specify the log path to use for ubiquitous content logs.
NSPersistentHistoryTrackingKey: @YES
};- David
I've got the same issue. Were you able to resolve this?- David