




NSKeyedArchiver ... can it skip a particular @property ?
hi all, I am trying NSKeyedArchiver to archive an ObjC object. is it possible to specify a particular @property of the class that is to archived so that the @property is not put into the archive? or just put it into the archive as nil or something innocuous like NSNull or something. e.g. i have a uidelegate @property in my class, but i dont want that put into the archive i guess i could nil this out manually before archiving, but i wonder if anyone knows a cool trick for this
Aug ’23
mac app store search by app name fail
hello I am confused about mac app store search rules i released a new mac app last week and it still does not show up when i type the exact app name as a search. does the mac app store not use the app name automatically as a keyword? app name = SimplML if anyone at apple wants to analyze why it is not showing up since it is a non standard spelling, one would think it would pop up at the top note: mac app store, not iOS store
Jun ’23
UIMenuController orientation
hi all, is it possible to control the orientation of the UIMenuController popup menu or does it always follow the status bar orientation like so many other things do? see attached. main app is in portrait but some uses are in a landscape mode. but the status bar is still portrait in this case. so we would like to force rotate the popup menu to be in landscape mode.
Jun ’23
dispatch_async to global much slower in recent Mac Catalyst versions?
has anyone else noticed much slower GCD runs in newer MacOS / Catalyst this seems like it used to be blazing fast: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE, 0), ^{ // code to run }); now if I run a block on this type of queue versus the main thread, the dispatched code runs much slower vs main thread. not 10%, like multiple slower. i am not sure yet if it is the code run time or time for dispatch to trigger. trying to focus in on what is the problem on our side and get some metrics, but if anyone has seen this issue, it might be useful to compare notes.
May ’23
new mac catalyst app, "app is incompatible with the current version of macOS"
hi all, i have made mac catalyst apps before and they were fine. now i try to make a new one (converting an iOS app over to catalyst) in xcode14.2 and i get the above error msg when trying to run on mac intel locally. however, i seem to have the mac os deployment targets set to a slightly older version of macos than i have installed on the run target mac. what is new in catalyst setup that i am missing? the setup seems a little different in the xcode UI than before so maybe there are some new hidden tricks to get this to work?
Apr ’23