




Dynamically generating AppShortcut phrases
I want to be able to dynamically update the phrase dictionary in an AppShortcut. However, whenever I abstract the phrases, the shortcut fails to display. That is, I am trying to do: static var phrases: [AppShortcutPhrase<MyIntent>] = ["\(.applicationName) hello world"] AppShortcut( intent: MyIntent(), phrases: phrases, shortTitle: "hello world", systemImageName: "" ) However, the following works: AppShortcut( intent: MyIntent(), phrases: "\(.applicationName) hello world", shortTitle: "hello world", systemImageName: "" ) So, what gives?
Extracting the full text of a Siri command prompt
I've been stuck for days trying to figure out how to extract the full text of a Siri prompt that launches my app. We need to be able to get the text of the full command, such as "Hey siri, buy dogfood...." so I can get "dogfood" or anything else following 'buy' . The examples I am finding are a) out of date or b) incomplelete. Right now we're using AppIntents with Shortcuts, but have to use dedicated shortcuts for each specific purchase, which are obviously very limiting.
Opening up Siri prefs from an app
In our onboarding sequence we inform the user that Siri is required and to set it up if they have it off. We have a link that takes us to the root of the Systems tree, but have been unable to get it to launch into the Siri prefs itself, using a scheme that's widely available on StackOverflow, GitHub and so on. ChatGPT says it can't be done as of 2022. I see a list on GitHub of the domains that was last updated just a year ago, suggesting that at least as of 17 it "should" work. Another place said Apple would bounce apps which attempt to do that (we have the recommended URL string already in there which should have been detectable by their scans, and have not been bounced due to that so far).
Sep ’24
Is there a way to suppress Siri's "Something went wrong"
I'm working with appIntents and custom responses with Siri. Sometimes I get the "Something went wrong..." message seemingly at random. There is a way to suppress it in a shortcut using its scripting language, but is there anything in Sirikit that could in effect, tell it to knock it off!, and suppress that message. Or, is there a way, when generating a Shortcut in appIntents that allows for generating a small script as well?
Aug ’24
Debug View Hierarchy button missing
I've thought I've seen all, now the Debug View Hierarchy button has decided to take a hike. One of XCode's coolest features just upped and vanished on the latest project. Shows fine in the previous two. Can't find anything that looks like an on/off switch for the thing and have capabilities and debug settings matched to the ones that work. (and yes, I am in debug mode)
Jul ’24
Text misaligned when adding images to an HStack
Wasted about 3 hours on this yesterday. I add a Text item in a field of a Form. Well and good. It wraps if needed, alights to the left a fixed amount no matter how much or how little text there is. All expected. I added an image. It alll went to hell after that as the text just sort of drew where it wanted to. It looked like the parent tile was now wider then the display area. No amount of playing with Spacer(), padding, Frames. HStack alignments, Position fields, and so on did any good. as all I am trying to do a simple tile with a text block and image. And SwiftUI fights me every step of the way. It's for a simple restaurant menu item tile. Name of item, price and image. If I drop the image, then it formats in a predictable fashion. HStack{ VStack{ if let maindish = item["name"]{ Text("\(maindish)").foregroundColor(.primary).modifier(favoriteStyle()).fontWeight(.regular).font(.custom("Avenir",size:fontSize)) } if let formattedPrice = item["formatted_price"]{ Text("\(formattedPrice)").foregroundColor(.secondary).modifier(favoriteStyle()).fontWeight(.bold).font(.custom("Avenir",size:fontSize)) } } Spacer() if let imageURL = item["thumbnail_image"]{ if let url = URL(string:imageURL) { drawImage(url:url, size:85.0).padding(0.0).padding(.trailing,75.00) } } }
Jul ’24
locationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration not being called
I am working with the location manager for heading info but keep on getting the compass heading calibration screen which I don't want. According to CLLocationManagerDelegate, that should be able to be disabled by returning NO from the delegate method: locationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration. However, that is never called. (I don't need to know true headings, just that the user is turning around)
May ’21