




Reply to Not getting packets in PacketTunnel on iOS
Hi Quinn, I worked through it progressively like you suggested and I was able to route UDP traffic and receive a response. The problem I see now is that I can't use the systems DNS resolver. It seems if I capture all the traffic: settings.ipv4Settings?.includedRoutes = [NEIPv4Route.default()] then I MUST set the DNS settings: let dnsSettings = NEDNSSettings(servers: [DNS_SERVER]) settings.dnsSettings = dnsSettings I thought if I set: dnsSettings.matchDomains = [""] then DNS_SERVER will only be used for the domains in the matchDomains list and the system resolver used for everything else but this doesn't seem to be the case. Is this a bug? Thanks, Dave
Reply to Not getting packets in PacketTunnel on iOS
Yes the tunnel is in .destinationMode. I'm not sure what you mean say if I claim all traffic I need to provide a working DNS configuration. Does this mean the tunnel's DNS overrides the devices resolver? Will the traffic still pass through the tunnel but be routed to the tunnels DNS server? I tried adding this and it doesn't seem to make any difference. I still can't resolve anything. let dnsSettings = NEDNSSettings(servers: [""]) settings.dnsSettings = dnsSettings Apart from the API docs is there any other information available on configuring the tunnel? Sorry, I wasn't using writePacketObjects(...) for anything. I was just trying to get at packets coming in.
Jan ’25
Reply to Can you use a mobile config to pass a PKCS12 cert to an iOS app?
Hi Quinn, Thanks for your answer and those links. My app is a VPN app and the cert is packaged with the profile (mobile config). It's used by for some API calls to configure the VPN. Does that seem like a reasonable use case to create a DTS Tech support ticket for access to the keychain group? I'm assuming access would solve my problem. Thanks for all your help.
Apr ’24