




Has `xcodebuild -showdestinations` been changed since macOS Sequoia?
Hi, I just upgraded MBP M3 Pro and mac mini M1/M2 to macOS 15.1 Sequoia and these macs not showing its available destination candidates after update. DEVELOPER_DIR=`xcode-select -p` xcodebuild -scheme myapp -derivedDataPath ./derived_data -showdestinations Command line invocation: /Applications/Xcode/ -scheme myapp -derivedDataPath derived_data -showdestinations User defaults from command line: IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /path/to/myapp/derived_data IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES Available destinations for the "approduce_calc_v2" scheme: { platform:macOS, arch:arm64, variant:Designed for [iPad,iPhone], id:00006020-001971C422C3C01E, name:My Mac } { platform:iOS, id:dvtdevice-DVTiPhonePlaceholder-iphoneos:placeholder, name:Any iOS Device } { platform:iOS Simulator, id:dvtdevice-DVTiOSDeviceSimulatorPlaceholder-iphonesimulator:placeholder, name:Any iOS Simulator Device } While my macs got all the simulator runtimes/devices installed and available. $ DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode/ xcrun simctl list devices == Devices == -- iOS 17.5 -- iPhone 15 Pro (48C3EFC6-2B93-4C9D-8C7B-F841CE09E901) (Shutdown) iPhone 15 Pro Max (E2C4D8AA-BF0A-42B4-9D83-70F0CFD21934) (Shutdown) iPhone 15 (350882E2-5A78-47E7-879F-E548F8810386) (Shutdown) iPhone 15 Plus (9FE3F7F6-FAC0-4ACA-96A6-0E8DBBA17068) (Shutdown) ... and in my other macs, still in Sonoma 14.5, xcodebuild -showdestinations command still works well(shows the entire list of available simulator devices). My question is: Did you change the specs of xcodebuild -showdestinations command from the ones working in macOS Sequoia, not to show all the destinations available?
Dec ’24
The requested device could not be found because multiple devices matched the request.
Hello, This is the repost of the issue reply from Xcode 16 beta 2 with multiple iOS simruntime installed macs. I stopped using sudo as Apple Developer Tools Engineer said but the same thing goes on the phase of xcodebuild with old simulator destinations. 15:39:45 Exit status of command 'set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -project "SampleApp.xcodeproj" -scheme "SampleApp" -configuration "Release" clean -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 13 Pro,OS=15.4" -derivedDataPath "/path/to/.derived_data/sim_app" build | tee '/path/to/artifacts/logs/build_sim/xcodebuild.log' | xcpretty --color --simple' was 70 instead of 0. 15:39:45 2024-09-25 15:39:14.700 xcodebuild[91142:22610080] Malformed bundle does not contain an identifier at /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/tvOS_22J5335e/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/tvOS 18.0.simruntime 15:39:45 2024-09-25 15:39:14.760 xcodebuild[91142:22610212] Malformed bundle does not contain an identifier at /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/tvOS_22J5335e/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/tvOS 18.0.simruntime 15:39:45 2024-09-25 15:39:43.986 xcodebuild[91142:22610077] Writing error result bundle to /var/folders/t2/vppt8b613w1b1pwfycwzgnc00000gr/T/ResultBundle_2024-25-09_15-39-0043.xcresult 15:39:45 xcodebuild: error: Unable to find a device matching the provided destination specifier: 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, OS:15.4, name:iPhone 13 Pro } 15:39:45 15:39:45 The requested device could not be found because multiple devices matched the request. ( 15:39:45 "<DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x12467d3e0> {\n\t\tSimDevice: iPhone 13 Pro (7C44F49C-1406-4675-8297-0BB1E32030A4, iOS 15.4, Shutdown)\n}", 15:39:45 "<DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x1246788e0> {\n\t\tSimDevice: iPhone 13 Pro (723AB83F-84B2-4553-A7FB-FE97FBC72A12, iOS 15.4, Shutdown)\n}" 15:39:45 ) ... 15:39:45 Available destinations for the "SampleApp" scheme: 15:39:45 { platform:macOS, arch:arm64, variant:Designed for [iPad,iPhone], id:00006020-0014092C3498C01E, name:My Mac } 15:39:45 { platform:iOS, id:dvtdevice-DVTiPhonePlaceholder-iphoneos:placeholder, name:Any iOS Device } 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, id:dvtdevice-DVTiOSDeviceSimulatorPlaceholder-iphonesimulator:placeholder, name:Any iOS Simulator Device } 15:39:45 { platform:visionOS Simulator, variant:Designed for [iPad,iPhone], id:5E4672C1-BFDC-4BF8-AECC-9101CAF005E2, OS:2.0, name:Apple Vision Pro } 15:39:45 { platform:visionOS Simulator, variant:Designed for [iPad,iPhone], id:F828FD1C-C6A9-4671-8A30-45888FE542C2, OS:2.1, name:Apple Vision Pro } 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, id:27B137B4-DDF5-4091-A77B-AEAE819E60BE, OS:15.4, name:iPad (9th generation) } 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, id:27B137B4-DDF5-4091-A77B-AEAE819E60BE, OS:15.4, name:iPad (9th generation) } 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, id:84E80242-3066-45BB-BE4A-24EC1512BE0E, OS:15.4, name:iPad (9th generation) } 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, id:84E80242-3066-45BB-BE4A-24EC1512BE0E, OS:15.4, name:iPad (9th generation) } ... 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, id:723AB83F-84B2-4553-A7FB-FE97FBC72A12, OS:15.4, name:iPhone 13 Pro } 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, id:723AB83F-84B2-4553-A7FB-FE97FBC72A12, OS:15.4, name:iPhone 13 Pro } 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, id:7C44F49C-1406-4675-8297-0BB1E32030A4, OS:15.4, name:iPhone 13 Pro } 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, id:7C44F49C-1406-4675-8297-0BB1E32030A4, OS:15.4, name:iPhone 13 Pro } 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, id:AA3C6F9C-A503-4301-8C70-760D20F31103, OS:15.4, name:iPhone 13 Pro Max } 15:39:45 { platform:iOS Simulator, id:AA3C6F9C-A503-4301-8C70-760D20F31103, OS:15.4, name:iPhone 13 Pro Max } ... Seems like the simruntimes are launched twice but have no decisive clue. For reproduction of the symptom, I'll add xcrun simctl runtime list: % xcrun simctl runtime list == Disk Images == -- iOS -- iOS 18.1 (22B5069a) - 558B1106-009E-4997-9915-68CA501B96DE (Ready) iOS 17.2 (21C62) - 04813A2D-9A0B-4CD2-97DD-92BE5937560C (Ready) iOS 17.4 (21E213) - 4532CD64-DDFC-4EB8-9D40-A2EF0A6D7CCC (Ready) iOS 17.5 (21F79) - 5225F9C1-D3B7-4CA8-95FE-C698C1EFA1DF (Ready) iOS 18.1 (22B5045f) - 72FF0A8A-5B59-4303-9683-0B5A3148F3E5 (Ready) iOS 16.4 (20E247) - E1699E3D-1F68-4535-94D4-F584D3232D79 (Ready) iOS 17.0.1 (21A342) - EC730386-D17C-4C1A-92A5-F06B6C502F4E (Ready) iOS 18.0 (22A3351) - 9B46965A-BB9C-4084-9F79-7BB67CCFF94E (Ready) iOS 15.4 (19E240) - 28A82EA5-0FE4-4595-BE6E-5EB93098547F (Ready) -- tvOS -- tvOS 17.2 (21K364) - 13634086-0FA9-49CA-BB04-E7E5C8803F28 (Ready) tvOS 15.2 (19K50) - 753520B7-93B1-4217-AD01-239C92386B5D (Ready) tvOS 16.4 (20L494) - B243C672-A2FD-428E-A910-5EA108403E7B (Ready) tvOS 18.1 (22J5543e) - 00E73B3D-2821-42EE-8448-EB28D3E95D9B (Ready) tvOS 17.0 (21J353) - 794FFE83-76EB-4CCE-91D4-6A27E88F2FE2 (Ready) tvOS 18.1 (22J5567a) - DA90203F-C57A-4E57-B6E1-6549F57D3D32 (Ready) tvOS 17.4 (21L224) - BBEAC6EA-7F1C-4D02-A10A-8B7ECCCEB6F7 (Ready) tvOS 17.5 (21L569) - 4714379D-46CF-402B-BBFD-FE9E384D3721 (Ready) tvOS 18.0 (22J356) - 0FF86611-1B12-4188-94D0-1C7B3E32BB23 (Ready) -- watchOS -- watchOS 9.4 (20T253) - F54A4AA5-4D95-4BFB-B290-ADCAB5C3F554 (Ready) watchOS 11.1 (22R5569a) - 9F78E186-30D4-436D-B5B2-B0D0849BF3A2 (Ready) watchOS 11.1 (22R5545f) - 17E76267-0F3B-4E35-9516-36F8D8A31B76 (Ready) watchOS 10.4 (21T214) - 4BE2D5F2-B4AB-4144-ADD3-28EF4D95928B (Ready) watchOS 8.3 (19S51) - B2FC21B1-E408-4BCD-924D-DA9712BB2CE9 (Ready) watchOS 10.0 (21R355) - F85C098B-BF3E-4E80-A5A7-6D351724806B (Ready) watchOS 10.2 (21S364) - 7219764C-D3AE-4744-A8CC-26403E2E6F0B (Ready) watchOS 10.5 (21T575) - 469E571D-4AA0-4E41-A788-DE0A302C6830 (Ready) watchOS 11.0 (22R349) - 91D05834-73B0-4942-A9FB-8813DDE047E6 (Ready) -- xrOS -- xrOS 2.1 (22N5567a) - 34E59475-EA24-4BDF-8A04-C171B408F94B (Ready) xrOS 2.1 (22N5548c) - 1D30800B-82AC-41C2-A1CE-3A24ABF7FE40 (Ready) xrOS 1.1 (21O209) - 0B623825-9B01-4948-86D7-C11E2EACDFC1 (Ready) xrOS 1.2 (21O5565d) - 62ADDB4B-D407-4966-952E-513FE39AE7B2 (Ready) xrOS 1.0 (21N305) - 695C785B-09B6-4181-AC14-284B3EA37163 (Ready) xrOS 2.0 (22N318) - 6FE72E19-1B8D-4F2C-B53B-F39DEE71C492 (Ready) Total Disk Images: 33 (183.3G) Thanks in advance.
Oct ’24
Xcode 16 RC cannot choose iOS 18 RC simulator runtime
Hi all, I'm trying to xcrun simctl runtime match set 'iphoneos18.0' 22A3351 but the status of xcrun simctl runtime match list never changes although I put this command correctly. No matter if I use sudo for match set or not. This is quite serious for CI maintainer because multiple versions of Xcode should be switched quickly but this symptom will inhibit that kind of behavior. What happened to Xcode 16 RC? $ xcrun simctl runtime match set 'iphoneos18.0' --sdkBuild 22A3351 $ xcrun simctl runtime match list == Evaluation Results == appletvos18.0: SDK Version: 18.0 SDK Build: 22J355 Platform: Chosen Runtime: tvOS 18.0 (18.0 - 22J356) - User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: 22J355 iphoneos18.0: SDK Version: 18.0 SDK Build: 22A348 Platform: Chosen Runtime: 22A348 User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: 22A348 watchos11.0: SDK Version: 11.0 SDK Build: 22R349 Platform: Chosen Runtime: watchOS 11.0 (11.0 - 22R349) - User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: watchOS 11.0 (11.0 - 22R349) - xros2.0: SDK Version: 2.0 SDK Build: 22N316 Platform: Chosen Runtime: visionOS 2.0 (2.0 - 22N318) - User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: 22N316 I'm adding what my mac mini has for simruntimes: $ xcrun simctl runtime list == Disk Images == -- iOS -- iOS 17.5 (21F79) - 9FC1CFB3-33A4-4F31-AF40-BAB448F6FA0D (Ready) iOS 16.4 (20E247) - 3BFB66B1-075B-4B17-951C-B691BAC41C73 (Ready) iOS 17.2 (21C62) - C8D4111F-1F7A-4FC2-AC6A-BF68A47EEDCE (Ready) iOS 17.0.1 (21A342) - C4FE430B-DD3F-4108-B2E7-B13A04989863 (Ready) iOS 17.4 (21E213) - 0B8ECC25-EF76-4744-9D77-8256A57D1605 (Ready) iOS 18.1 (22B5023e) - 9E53F2C6-BA91-421C-848F-F78043179361 (Ready) iOS 18.0 (22A5346a) - B109C80C-02AE-4756-AA8B-D7B3119BCF56 (Ready) iOS 15.4 (19E240) - CAB77B36-B6D3-4F5D-8956-E7A3105AC910 (Ready) iOS 18.0 (22A3351) - 836BEB86-745C-4558-BEE8-20ACB169047C (Ready) -- tvOS -- tvOS 17.2 (21K364) - 8A9929AE-0521-498D-884A-F87BD16612CD (Ready) tvOS 16.4 (20L494) - 3354C9A4-E177-4030-98F2-0735970E1607 (Ready) tvOS 18.0 (22J356) - FC4F16A8-11F7-4E8D-BCC4-00264582E7FE (Ready) tvOS 17.4 (21L224) - 724CD6DA-EAC2-4076-A578-C84872A36E5E (Ready) tvOS 15.2 (19K50) - 0AE51520-B1E2-4ED9-80A4-717291FC5E96 (Ready) tvOS 17.5 (21L569) - C432547A-F7EF-4B34-AD43-D3E839CB49E1 (Ready) tvOS 17.0 (21J353) - 6A08D50B-D9BF-4496-A5C5-FE21373B11DD (Ready) tvOS 18.0 (22J5352a) - A3DC22D2-CD19-4A79-8899-A3215D63D604 (Ready) -- watchOS -- watchOS 10.4 (21T214) - CC71D3D3-EA19-4F0B-BF3E-388D686AB300 (Ready) watchOS 10.0 (21R355) - 3623992D-88CF-41CB-8091-AF1F8CE16717 (Ready) watchOS 11.0 (22R5346a) - D81CC18A-4FAF-43EF-9CF6-74740699DAED (Ready) watchOS 10.2 (21S364) - C0666241-AA31-4CF7-98B9-EA5394331DC6 (Ready) watchOS 9.4 (20T253) - EED82B11-589D-41AF-B290-844F59AECECB (Ready) watchOS 10.5 (21T575) - 0D749B4E-DC69-4F27-8982-510AB985B822 (Ready) watchOS 8.3 (19S51) - 8123ABC7-5465-4467-A5DA-CE9C50E1081D (Ready) watchOS 11.0 (22R349) - 4109605C-3E15-47A9-9BE0-14CC387063D1 (Ready) -- xrOS -- xrOS 2.0 (22N318) - A7B1B81D-EB9D-4417-9D37-48369A7F5AED (Ready) xrOS 1.0 (21N305) - 29EAB8D4-160D-4A3B-AB7C-7325D205AC4C (Ready) xrOS 1.1 (21O209) - DB15F0B2-C9E4-424D-9A50-8D6EDB131142 (Ready) xrOS 2.0 (22N5314a) - 05720140-7387-43FC-9E5E-E4C109622659 (Ready) xrOS 1.2 (21O5565d) - 83A26410-A8A8-41F6-A5A1-E0A7E24B8BA0 (Ready) Total Disk Images: 30 (166.6G)
Sep ’24
The requested device could not be found because multiple devices matched the request.
I'm facing this issue intermittently since using Xcode 16 beta 4 on macOS 14.5 when starting xcodebuild build with -destination option. 20:56:07 ▸ xcodebuild: error: Unable to find a device matching the provided destination specifier: 20:56:07 ▸ { platform:iOS Simulator, OS:15.4, name:iPhone 13 Pro } 20:56:07 ▸ The requested device could not be found because multiple devices matched the request. ( 20:56:07 ▸ "<DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x151fb1fe0> {\n\t\tSimDevice: iPhone 13 Pro (CB36E92A-C32D-481C-A407-28123ABEBF66, iOS 15.4, Shutdown)\n}", 20:56:07 ▸ "<DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x151fb4070> {\n\t\tSimDevice: iPhone 13 Pro (0EBBCB9A-5FBA-4998-903B-1415315D1533, iOS 15.4, Shutdown)\n}" 20:56:07 ▸ ) This mac is mac mini 2023 M2 Pro 32GB memory, running with multiple simruntimes installed: $ sudo xcrun simctl runtime list Password: == Disk Images == -- iOS -- iOS 17.5 (21F79) - 9FC1CFB3-33A4-4F31-AF40-BAB448F6FA0D (Ready) iOS 16.4 (20E247) - 3BFB66B1-075B-4B17-951C-B691BAC41C73 (Ready) iOS 17.2 (21C62) - C8D4111F-1F7A-4FC2-AC6A-BF68A47EEDCE (Ready) iOS 17.4 (21E213) - 0B8ECC25-EF76-4744-9D77-8256A57D1605 (Ready) iOS 18.0 (22A5326g) - 7217B9B2-A113-4B6B-915E-CAB70431B415 (Ready) iOS 17.0.1 (21A342) - C4FE430B-DD3F-4108-B2E7-B13A04989863 (Ready) iOS 15.4 (19E240) - CAB77B36-B6D3-4F5D-8956-E7A3105AC910 (Ready) iOS 18.1 (22B5023e) - 9E53F2C6-BA91-421C-848F-F78043179361 (Ready) -- tvOS -- tvOS 17.2 (21K364) - 8A9929AE-0521-498D-884A-F87BD16612CD (Ready) tvOS 16.4 (20L494) - 3354C9A4-E177-4030-98F2-0735970E1607 (Ready) tvOS 17.4 (21L224) - 724CD6DA-EAC2-4076-A578-C84872A36E5E (Ready) tvOS 15.2 (19K50) - 0AE51520-B1E2-4ED9-80A4-717291FC5E96 (Ready) tvOS 18.0 (22J5335e) - E839E471-AA01-46E1-A4AD-DF4B98B46525 (Ready) tvOS 17.5 (21L569) - C432547A-F7EF-4B34-AD43-D3E839CB49E1 (Ready) tvOS 17.0 (21J353) - 6A08D50B-D9BF-4496-A5C5-FE21373B11DD (Ready) tvOS 18.0 (22J5324f) - B2C7CA72-AAE6-4DF9-A4B0-26A0EB9462F7 (Ready) -- watchOS -- watchOS 11.0 (22R5318h) - 56250DF3-CF78-4C5D-B502-0B53DE16ABEB (Ready) watchOS 10.4 (21T214) - CC71D3D3-EA19-4F0B-BF3E-388D686AB300 (Ready) watchOS 10.0 (21R355) - 3623992D-88CF-41CB-8091-AF1F8CE16717 (Ready) watchOS 10.2 (21S364) - C0666241-AA31-4CF7-98B9-EA5394331DC6 (Ready) watchOS 9.4 (20T253) - EED82B11-589D-41AF-B290-844F59AECECB (Ready) watchOS 10.5 (21T575) - 0D749B4E-DC69-4F27-8982-510AB985B822 (Ready) watchOS 8.3 (19S51) - 8123ABC7-5465-4467-A5DA-CE9C50E1081D (Ready) watchOS 11.0 (22R5328f) - 648646A0-A370-48A4-881B-15B2422DE698 (Ready) -- xrOS -- xrOS 2.0 (22N5297g) - C2C8E4EE-3738-4706-823E-2B4138CE90BE (Ready) xrOS 1.0 (21N305) - 29EAB8D4-160D-4A3B-AB7C-7325D205AC4C (Ready) xrOS 2.0 (22N5286g) - 1F92EE9A-A5F9-45F7-8075-7FD7BC4EF81E (Ready) xrOS 1.1 (21O209) - DB15F0B2-C9E4-424D-9A50-8D6EDB131142 (Ready) xrOS 1.2 (21O5565d) - 83A26410-A8A8-41F6-A5A1-E0A7E24B8BA0 (Ready) I've never seen this kind of simulator missing error. Nor installing any duplicate runtime(s) on the same machine because it will show error message like 'unable to use this runtime' on xcrun simctl runtime list. Could anyone give me a tip of avoiding this kind of error?
Aug ’24
swift run on Xcode 16 beta 2 for Swift Package crashes with SIGKILL Guard
With connection of SSH via Jenkins 2.332.1 to the remote Macs, swift-package module crashes and leaves crash report on Console. Absolutely swift command itself fails. Filed with the crash report created. Really hard to explain what happens exactly but seems like it is related to Xcode 16 beta (xcrun version 70) because the same problem never occurs on Xcode 15.4 (xcrun version 68).
Jul ’24
How to try CoreSimulator Framework of Xcode previous versions
Related to and which was dismissed. Hi, I'm trying to install multiple Xcode versions with simulators on a single mac The problem is: xcrun simctl or any other simulator related process would hang several minutes after installing Xcode 16 beta additional components. If I delete /Library/PrivateFrameworks dir and reinstall additional components of Xcode 15.4, xcrun works fine without any hang. When hanging on CLI, simdiskimaged process skyrockets in CPU usage %, so that's why I assume CoreSimulator Framework is the main source of hang. Is there any way to use additional components(technically CoreSimulator Framework) of Xcode 15.4 on Xcode 16 beta? ※Plus, as I described in related thread, the hang disappears if I run on GUI. I already tried xattr -r -d /Library/PrivateFrameworks or Xcode 16 beta with no use. Is there any command I can open headlessly on CLI?
Jun ’24
xcrun/xcodebuild command hangs after installing xcode 16 beta & iOS 18 beta
Hello, The issues over new Xcode major version beta always drive me crazy around this time of the year. This year we are trying to install both Xcode 15.x & 16 beta on the same mac with Sonoma 14.5, along with all supported iOS/tvOS/watchOS/xrOS simulators available including beta via dmgs distributed on Apple Developer Downloads. After setups, xcrun simctl related commands or xcodebuild (actually carthage bootstrap) commands hang much longer than usual. Happens both on M1 mac mini 16GB ram and Intel i7 mac mini 2018 32GB ram. Rebooting mac, killing processes like CoreSimulatorService, Xcode-related ones or simdiskimaged seemed never helpful. We found that simdiskimaged process tops over 440% of CPU% on Activity Monitor when hanging. It takes over 2m 30s to execute only simple command like xcrun simctl list, whether or not using Xcode 16 beta. (same thing happens on DEVELOPER_DIR=Xcode 15.4 too) What is weird is: opening Xcode on GUI also hangs (Not Responding) but if I force quit it and re-execute, this symptom would be gone after opening on GUI. Anyone who suffered from this kind of behavior? as a iOS CI maintainer? Should I file FBA which will be checked as 'normal behavior'?
Jun ’24
Is there anyone who knows the secrets of RuntimeMap.plist?
Hi, I'm in the team maintaining company-wise CI for iOS build and test, which runs over 100 macs on the system with every stable versions of Xcode/simulators and the latest beta/rc. I've been terribly suffered from xcodebuild test failure with simulator destination on Xcode beta series since Xcode 14.x has changed its CoreSimulator behavior from static simruntime into simdisk-based dynamic runtime. (If you search for xcrun simctl runtime match set 'watchos9.1' 20S75 you can check what I have been fighting for.) At the end of numerous nightly overtimes I finally found out that ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/RuntimeMap.plist is closely related to xcrun simctl runtime match command. If CoreSimulatorService relaunches when RuntimeMap.plist is corrupted (or missing), Chosen Runtime will be set as default SDK (pretty sure it is SDK version of iphoneos, not iphonesimulator) ex) $ sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/ $ sed -i '' -e 's|21C62|21Cblabla|' ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/RuntimeMap.plist $ sudo pkill -9 $ xcrun simctl runtime match list == Evaluation Results == appletvos17.2: SDK Version: 17.2 SDK Build: 21K354 Platform: Chosen Runtime: tvOS 17.2 (17.2 - 21K364) - User Override: (null) Preferred: tvOS 17.2 (17.2 - 21K364) - Default: 21K354 iphoneos17.2: SDK Version: 17.2 SDK Build: 21C52 Platform: Chosen Runtime: 21C52 User Override: (null) Preferred: 21Cblabla Default: 21C52 watchos10.2: SDK Version: 10.2 SDK Build: 21S355 Platform: Chosen Runtime: watchOS 10.2 (10.2 - 21S364) - User Override: (null) Preferred: watchOS 10.2 (10.2 - 21S364) - Default: 21S355 xros1.0: SDK Version: 1.0 SDK Build: 21N301 Platform: Chosen Runtime: visionOS 1.0 (1.0 - 21N305) - User Override: (null) Preferred: visionOS 1.0 (1.0 - 21N305) - Default: 21N301 The question is: Where exactly is the path or file that reflects this change? What file is Chosen Runtime of runtime match list tracking? When is the time to re-download and fix if it is corroded or not found? P.S. Thanks valexeev4 for letting me know where RuntimeMap plist is.
Mar ’24
Xc15.3B3 Fails init on iPhone 14(+pro/promax/plus) and iPad 10th gen sims
I'm trying some sample with xcodebuild test command for i(Pad)OS simulators, figuring out some strange behavior on simulator initiation. 00:00:38 -------------------------- 00:00:38 --- Step: xcode_select --- 00:00:38 -------------------------- 00:00:38 Setting Xcode version to /Applications/Xcode/ for all build steps 00:00:38 Init simulators ... 00:00:39 $DEVELOPER_DIR 00:00:39 /Applications/Xcode/ ... 00:05:26 ▸ 2024-02-14 15:13:41.319 xcodebuild[12903:1082819] [MT] IDELaunchReport: 4a4f919bfba30580:4a4f919bfba30580: Finished with error: Simulator device failed to install the application. 00:05:26 ▸ Domain: IXErrorDomain 00:05:26 ▸ Code: 2 00:05:26 ▸ Failure Reason: Failed to locate promise. 00:05:26 ▸ User Info: { 00:05:26 ▸ FunctionName = "+[IXPlaceholder _placeholderForBundle:client:withParent:installType:metadata:placeholderType:mayBeDeltaPackage:error:]"; 00:05:26 ▸ IDERunOperationFailingWorker = IDELaunchiPhoneSimulatorLauncher; 00:05:26 ▸ SimCallingSelector = "installApplication:withOptions:error:"; 00:05:26 ▸ SourceFileLine = 803; 00:05:26 ▸ } 00:05:26 ▸ -- 00:05:26 ▸ Failed to set icon promise for com.example.myapp 00:05:26 ▸ Domain: IXErrorDomain 00:05:26 ▸ Code: 2 00:05:26 ▸ Failure Reason: Failed to create promise. 00:05:26 ▸ User Info: { 00:05:26 ▸ FunctionName = "+[IXPlaceholder _placeholderForBundle:client:withParent:installType:metadata:placeholderType:mayBeDeltaPackage:error:]"; 00:05:26 ▸ SourceFileLine = 803; 00:05:26 ▸ } 00:05:26 ▸ -- 00:05:26 ▸ Placeholder did not exist for UUID 2810E06A-4565-4966-BE98-AE4A6A96D916 when called for -[IXSClientConnection _remote_IXSPlaceholder:setIconPromiseUUID:completion:] by client CoreSimulatorBridge (pid 13037) 00:05:26 ▸ Domain: IXErrorDomain 00:05:26 ▸ Code: 3 00:05:26 ▸ Failure Reason: Failed to locate promise. 00:05:26 ▸ User Info: { 00:05:26 ▸ FunctionName = "-[IXSClientConnection _fetchPlaceholderForUUID:method:andRunWithPromise:error:]"; 00:05:26 ▸ SourceFileLine = 1945; 00:05:26 ▸ } 00:05:26 ▸ -- 00:05:26 ▸ 2024-02-14 15:13:41.323 xcodebuild[12903:1082819] [MT] IDELaunchReport: 4a4f919bfba30580:4a4f919bfba30580: { 00:05:26 ▸ "device_model" = "iPhone14,7"; 00:05:26 ▸ "device_osBuild" = "16.4 (20E247)"; 00:05:26 ▸ "device_platform" = ""; 00:05:26 ▸ "dvt_coredevice_version" = "355.23"; 00:05:26 ▸ "dvt_mobiledevice_version" = "1643.100.52"; 00:05:26 ▸ "launchSession_schemeCommand" = Test; 00:05:26 ▸ "launchSession_state" = 1; 00:05:26 ▸ "launchSession_targetArch" = arm64; 00:05:26 ▸ "operation_duration_ms" = 108400; 00:05:26 ▸ "operation_errorCode" = 2; 00:05:26 ▸ "operation_errorDomain" = IXErrorDomain; 00:05:26 ▸ "operation_errorWorker" = IDELaunchiPhoneSimulatorLauncher; 00:05:26 ▸ "operation_name" = IDERunOperationWorkerGroup; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_debugger_attachToExtensions" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_debugger_attachToXPC" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_debugger_type" = 1; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_destination_isProxy" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_destination_platform" = ""; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_MainThreadChecker_stopOnIssue" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableDuringAttach" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableForXPC" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_allowLocationSimulation" = 1; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_checker_tpc_enable" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_gpu_frameCapture_enable" = 3; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_gpu_shaderValidation_enable" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_gpu_validation_enable" = 1; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_memoryGraphOnResourceException" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_queueDebugging_enable" = 1; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_runtimeProfile_generate" = 1; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_sanitizer_asan_enable" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_enable" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_stopOnIssue" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_sanitizer_ubsan_stopOnIssue" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_showNonLocalizedStrings" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_viewDebugging_enabled" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_diag_viewDebugging_insertDylibOnLaunch" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_install_style" = 2; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_launcher_UID" = 2; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_launcher_allowDeviceSensorReplayData" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_launcher_kind" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_launcher_style" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_launcher_substyle" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_runnable_appExtensionHostRunMode" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_runnable_productType" = ""; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_structuredConsoleMode" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_testing_launchedForTesting" = 1; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_testing_suppressSimulatorApp" = 1; 00:05:26 ▸ "param_testing_usingCLI" = 0; 00:05:26 ▸ "sdk_canonicalName" = "iphonesimulator17.4"; 00:05:26 ▸ "sdk_osVersion" = "17.4"; 00:05:26 ▸ "sdk_variant" = iphonesimulator; 00:05:26 ▸ } When I choose iPad 10th Generation, iPhone 14, 14 plus, 14 pro or 14 pro max devices listed on xcrun simctl list it fails with the log above. (doesn't matter what OS version is selected) Other than those sims it works (I checked it on iPhone SE 3rd gen, ipad mini 6g) Are those devices excluded from Xcode 15.3 Beta 3? Then why are those on the xcrun simctl list still? FYI: myapp took -Wl and -ld_classic for OTHER_LDFLAGS option in xcconfig after first app installation crash, still didn't make any changes.
Feb ’24
`xcodebuild -downloadAllPlatforms` with Xcode 15 Beta downloaded other than `$HOME/Downloads` hangs forever
I'm using multiple versions of Xcodes in mac, and tried installing new Xcode Beta. Installing Xcode itself was successful with shorter time taken, but the problem emerged when trying to install simulators with sudo -downloadAllPlatforms command. If is in $HOME/Downloads, simulator images are smoothly downloaded and installed. If is not in $HOME/Downloads, it hangs forever with Finding Content... message when sudo -downloadAllPlatforms command was executed. Is this expected behavior for xcodebuild -downloadAllPlatforms of Xcode 15 Beta? Should I stop changing the download path other than $HOME/Downloads?
Jun ’23
Xcode 14.1/2 always resets watchos9.1 simulator runtime to 20S71
Hello, Previously I posted simulator 9.1 runtime not found although it is installed in the system. ( I found out there is a command xcrun simctl runtime match set to designate simulator runtime for current Xcode. I also figured out the fact that watchos 9.1 simulator runtimes for Xcode 14.1 and 14.2 always indicate 20S71, which is patched to 20S75 for now. (We can check downloadable simulators list from ) $ sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode/ $ xcrun simctl runtime match list == Evaluation Results == appletvos16.1: SDK Version: 16.1 SDK Build: 20K67 Platform: Chosen Runtime: tvOS 16.1 (16.1 - 20K67) - User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: tvOS 16.1 (16.1 - 20K67) - iphoneos16.1: SDK Version: 16.1 SDK Build: 20B71 Platform: Chosen Runtime: iOS 16.1 (16.1 - 20B72) - User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: iOS 16.1 (16.1 - 20B72) - watchos9.1: SDK Version: 9.1 SDK Build: 20S71 Platform: Chosen Runtime: 20S71 User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: 20S71 $ xcode-select -p /Applications/Xcode/ $ xcrun simctl runtime match list == Evaluation Results == appletvos16.1: SDK Version: 16.1 SDK Build: 20K67 Platform: Chosen Runtime: tvOS 16.1 (16.1 - 20K67) - User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: tvOS 16.1 (16.1 - 20K67) - iphoneos16.2: SDK Version: 16.2 SDK Build: 20C52 Platform: Chosen Runtime: iOS 16.2 (16.2 - 20C52) - User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: iOS 16.2 (16.2 - 20C52) - watchos9.1: SDK Version: 9.1 SDK Build: 20S71 Platform: Chosen Runtime: 20S71 User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: 20S71 $ xcode-select -p /Applications/Xcode/ $ xcrun simctl runtime match list == Evaluation Results == appletvos16.4: SDK Version: 16.4 SDK Build: 20L489 Platform: Chosen Runtime: 20L489 User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: 20L489 iphoneos16.4: SDK Version: 16.4 SDK Build: 20E238 Platform: Chosen Runtime: iOS 16.4 (16.4 - 20E247) - User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: iOS 16.4 (16.4 - 20E247) - watchos9.4: SDK Version: 9.4 SDK Build: 20T248 Platform: Chosen Runtime: 20T248 User Override: (null) Preferred: (null) Default: 20T248 and I assume that the problem I suffered from (watchOS 9.1 not installed error but simulators and runtime already installed in Mac) is recurring because the watchOS runtime for Xcode 14.1/14.2 is frequently returned to default when reset or switch to other versions of Xcode, even though the user forced to choose a certain SDK version. What I want to know is: What file does contain the data of xcrun simctl runtime match list ? Where is it? Is there any reason or factor for runtime to be set to default? I am in the team running macOS as CI server. Can I use watchOS 9.x Simulator runtimes while using Xcode 14.2, other than 9.1? Thanks in advance.
May ’23
watchOS 9.1 simulator unavailable despite of existence of runtime
Hi, I am working for the iOS CI build environment dev/maint. Since Xcode 14.2 has released, our CI users started claiming that their builds often fail because watchOS 9.1 simulators are not found. ex1) xcodebuild: error: Failed to build workspace YWeatherApp with scheme YWeatherApp. Reason: This scheme builds an embedded Apple Watch app. watchOS 9.1 must be installed in order to archive the scheme Recovery suggestion: watchOS 9.1 is not installed. To use with Xcode, first download and install the platform ex2) xcodebuild: error: Unable to find a destination matching the provided destination specifier: { platform:watchOS Simulator, id:CF9011C4-9FD7-40F3-A2A9-46B8D593B2FD } Ineligible destinations for the "Swinject-watchOS" scheme: { platform:watchOS, id:dvtdevice-DVTiOSDevicePlaceholder-watchos:placeholder, name:Any watchOS Device, error:watchOS 9.1 is not installed. To use with Xcode, first download and install the platform } But when I execute simctl list command to see if there is watchOS 9.1 simruntime and simulator devices, sometimes it shows as available but sometimes it doesn't. the result of xcrun simctl list when watchOS 9.1 simulators are unavailable the result of xcrun simctl list when watchOS 9.1 simulators are available Same machine (Mac mini Intel Late 2018), 30 minutes term between command executions. What is weird when error: the runtime profile of watchOS 9.1 apparently exist at the top, but the devices of watchOS 9.1 shows on and off as available... and the reason of unavailability is: (unavailable, runtime profile not found). What we do for Xcode 14.x installation with watchOS/tvOS simulators is: sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch and sudo xcodebuild -downloadAllPlatforms after each installation of Xcode 14.x. What we do after each build job ends is: pkill -9 Simulator, pkill update_dyld_sim_shared_cache, pkill -9 update_dyld_sim_shared_cache and launchctl remove if the simulator process still exists in ps aux list. What I know now as Xcode 14 issue is what is written in the Xcode 14 Known issues for the simulator but Cleanse all simruntimes, Reboot mac and Reinstall the simulators to use could not be the answer this time because we are running over 60 macs in the system and there are 40 more macs incoming, avg 2000 builds per day. Is there anything wrong what we are doing in the operations? and would there be any alternative solutions or suggestions for this situation? Thanks in advance.
Jan ’23
Aspera selected automatically when uploading release ipa to Testflight
Hi all There is an issue with uploading .ipa to Testflight from companywise CI since last Thursday. Suddenly we got a problem uploading .ipa file to Testflight without notice, due to company firewall policy. This never happened before, and what we got from the error log was this: Could not connect to Aspera server: '' port: 33001. Please check your firewall settings. Error message: Connection refused We are using Fastlane 2.182.0 for CI but we're not setting any -t option for pilot nor deliver. I'm curious Is there any way to impose the setting of Testflight upload method to HTTP/DAV regardless of the server condition of Apple Testflight? Is there any condition to change the method from default(DAV or HTTP I guess) to Aspera/Signiant? Thanks in advance.
Jun ’21
Xcode 12.0.1 crashes in Carthage build after installing 12.3 Beta
With releases of 12.2 and 12.3 Beta, xcodebuild times out in the phase of carthage update or build. No Carthage logs left in the archive directory(which starts with /var) It just shows after API fails. 16:00:30 * Skipped downloading ocmock.framework binary due to the error: 16:00:30  "API rate limit exceeded for ***.***.***.***. (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)" 16:00:49 * Building scheme "OCMock iOS" in OCMock.xcodeproj 16:13:30 xcodebuild timed out while trying to read ***.xcodeproj(censoring due to private project) Maybe I can suggest for those who using 12.0.1 in the company to use newer version of Xcode, but that is not a solution for 12.0.1 crashes with 12.3 installed build machines on CI. Is there any workarounds?
Nov ’20