I have tried everything. The songs load unto the playlists and on searches, but when prompted to play, they just won't play.
I have a wrapper since my main player (which carries the buttons for play/rewind/forward/etc.), is in Objc.
// ApplePlayerWrapper.swift
// UniversallyMac
// Created by Dorian Mattar on 11/10/24.
import Foundation
import MusicKit
import MediaPlayer
@objc public class MusicKitWrapper: NSObject {
@objc public static let shared = MusicKitWrapper()
private let player = ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared
// Play the current track
@objc public func play() {
guard !player.queue.entries.isEmpty else {
print("Queue is empty. Cannot start playback.")
logPlayerState(message: "Before play")
Task {
do {
try await player.prepareToPlay()
try await player.play()
print("Playback started successfully.")
} catch {
if let nsError = error as NSError? {
print("NSError Code: \(nsError.code), Domain: \(nsError.domain)")
logPlayerState(message: "After play")
// Log the current player state
@objc public func logPlayerState(message: String = "") {
print("Player State - \(message):")
print("Playback Status: \(player.state.playbackStatus)")
print("Queue Count: \(player.queue.entries.count)")
// Only log current track details if the player is playing
if player.state.playbackStatus == .playing {
if let currentEntry = player.queue.currentEntry {
print("Current Track: \(currentEntry.title)")
print("Current Position: \(player.playbackTime) seconds")
print("Track Length: \(currentEntry.endTime ?? 0.0) seconds")
} else {
print("No current track.")
} else {
print("No track is playing.")
// Debug the queue
@objc public func debugQueue() {
print("Debugging Queue:")
for (index, entry) in player.queue.entries.enumerated() {
print("\(index): \(entry.title)")
// Ensure track availability in the queue
public func queueTracks(_ tracks: [Track]) {
Task {
do {
for track in tracks {
// Validate Play Parameters
guard let playParameters = track.playParameters else {
print("Track \(track.title) has no Play Parameters.")
// Log the Play Parameters
print("Track Title: \(track.title)")
print("Play Parameters: \(playParameters)")
print("Raw Values: \(track.id.rawValue)")
// Ensure the ID is valid
if track.id.rawValue.isEmpty {
print("Track \(track.title) has an invalid or empty ID in Play Parameters.")
// Queue the track
try await player.queue.insert(track, position: .afterCurrentEntry)
print("Queued track: \(track.title)")
print("Tracks successfully added to the queue.")
} catch {
print("Error queuing tracks: \(error)")
// Clear the current queue
@objc public func resetMusicPlayer() {
Task {
print("Queue cleared.")
print("Apple Music player reset successfully.")
I opened an Apple Dev. ticket, but I'm trying here as well. Thanks!
We use BassDSDPlayer / SFBAudioEngine to play just about any file, but playing Apple Music is failing. All subscriptions are up to date. We stop the SFBAudioEngine and the BassDSDPlayer before playing Apple Music to no avail.
Supported files in /Users/dorian/Music/Music/Media.localized/Music/4: 28364
Apple Music is authorized and can play catalog.
Resetting default output device...
Releasing BassDSDPlayer audio device...
BassDSDPlayer: Audio device released.
STOPPED sfbAudioDevice
Default output device is ID: 76
applicationQueuePlayer _establishConnectionIfNeeded timeout [ping did not pong]
applicationQueuePlayer _establishConnectionIfNeeded timeout [ping did not pong]
Player State - After resetting output:
Playback Status: stopped
Queue Count: 0
No track is playing.
Music player reset successfully.
BassDSDPlayer: Audio device released.
Default output device set successfully: 76
Default output device is ID: 76
Default output device set successfully: 76
Default output device ID: 76
Validated PlayParameters for track: squabble up
PlayParameters: PlayParameters(id: 1781270321, kind: "song", isLibrary: nil, catalogID: nil, libraryID: nil, deviceLocalID: nil, rawValues: [:])
Starting playback...
Player State - After playback:
Playback Status: stopped
Queue Count: 1
No track is playing.
Notification BASS DSD NSConcreteNotification 0x600007ce2b00 {name = kUpdateSongInfo; object = {
AlbumTitle = GNX;
ArtistName = "Kendrick Lamar";
SongArtwork = "<NSImage 0x6000041b7ca0 Size={300, 300} RepProvider=<NSImageArrayRepProvider: 0x600003518770, reps:(\n "NSBitmapImageRep 0x600009ed9dc0 Size={300, 300} ColorSpace=(not yet loaded) BPS=8 BPP=(not yet loaded) Pixels=300x300 Alpha=NO Planar=NO Format=(not yet loaded) CurrentBacking=nil (faulting) CGImageSource=0x600007ce15c0"\n)>>";
SongLength = "157.992";
SongTitle = "squabble up";
Source = AppleMusic;
Apple Music track loaded: squabble up by Kendrick Lamar
Player State - Before play:
Playback Status: stopped
Queue Count: 1
No track is playing.
prepareToPlay failed [no target descriptor]
NSError Code: 1, Domain: MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain
Player State - After play:
Playback Status: stopped
Queue Count: 1
No track is playing.
func playAppleMusicTracks(tracks: [Track]) {
AppleMusicManager.shared.isAuthorizedAndReadyForPlayback { isAuthorized in
guard isAuthorized else {
print("Apple Music authorization or capabilities insufficient for playback.")
print("Resetting default output device...")
Task {
for track in tracks {
guard self.validatePlayParameters(for: track) else { continue }
do {
try await ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue.insert(track, position: .afterCurrentEntry)
guard !ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue.entries.isEmpty else {
print("Queue is empty after queuing. Playback cannot proceed.")
} catch {
print("Error starting playback: \(error)")
if let nsError = error as NSError? {
print("NSError Code: \(nsError.code), Domain: \(nsError.domain)")
MusicKitWrapper.shared.logPlayerState(message: "After playback")
@objc public class MusicKitWrapper: NSObject {
@objc public static let shared = MusicKitWrapper()
private let player = ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared
// Play the current track
@objc public func play() {
guard !player.queue.entries.isEmpty else {
print("Queue is empty. Cannot start playback.")
logPlayerState(message: "Before play")
Task {
do {
try await player.prepareToPlay()
try await player.play()
print("Playback started successfully.")
} catch {
if let nsError = error as NSError? {
print("NSError Code: \(nsError.code), Domain: \(nsError.domain)")
logPlayerState(message: "After play")
Any help would be appreciated.