




Reply to ApplicationMusicPlayer / MediaPlayer Refuses to Play
I tried refreshing before playing, but same thing. public func playTrack(_ track: Track) async { // Check for valid PlayParameters guard track.playParameters != nil else { print("Error: Track (track.title) is missing PlayParameters. Cannot play.") return } let status = await MusicAuthorization.request() if status != .authorized { print("Music authorization not granted.") return } do { // **Fetch updated track information if needed** let updatedTrack: Track if let appleTrack = AppleTrack(from: track) { if let refreshedTrack = await fetchTrackDetails(for: appleTrack.title) { print("Fetched updated track details for \(refreshedTrack.title).") updatedTrack = refreshedTrack } else { print("Failed to fetch updated track details. Proceeding with existing track.") updatedTrack = track } } else { updatedTrack = track } // Insert the track into the queue try await player.queue.insert(updatedTrack, position: .afterCurrentEntry) print("Queued track: \(updatedTrack.title) with PlayParameters present.") print("Play Parameters:", updatedTrack.playParameters ?? "None") // Log the queue state if player.queue.entries.isEmpty { print("Queue is still empty after inserting track \(updatedTrack.title).") return } print("Queue contains \(player.queue.entries.count) entries.") // Notify listeners of track info self.notifyAppleMusicTrackInfo(updatedTrack) // Prepare and play try await player.prepareToPlay() try await print("Playback started for track: \(updatedTrack.title)") } catch { print("Error during playback for \(track.title): \(error.localizedDescription)") } } private func fetchTrackDetails(for id: String) async -> Track? { do { // Create a search request for the specific track ID let searchRequest = MusicCatalogSearchRequest(term: id, types: [Song.self]) // Use Song.self let response = try await searchRequest.response() // Retrieve the first matching song and convert it to a Track if let song = response.songs.first { print("Fetched song: \(song.title) by \(song.artistName)") return .song(song) // Wrap the Song as a Track } else { print("No track found for ID \(id)") return nil } } catch { print("Error fetching track details for ID \(id): \(error.localizedDescription)") return nil } }
Jan ’25
Reply to ApplicationMusicPlayer / MediaPlayer Refuses to Play
I'm in Puerto Rico right now, is that a problem with Apple Music API?? applicationQueuePlayer _establishConnectionIfNeeded timeout [ping did not pong] Queue cleared. Apple Music player reset successfully. Queued track: Uncle Salty with PlayParameters present. Play Parameters: PlayParameters(id: 1660109276, kind: "song", isLibrary: nil, catalogID: nil, libraryID: nil, deviceLocalID: nil, rawValues: [:]) Queue contains 1 entries. prepareToPlay failed [no target descriptor] Error during playback for Uncle Salty: The operation couldn’t be completed. (MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain error 1.) Notification BASS DSD NSConcreteNotification 0x6000032f1fc0 {name = kUpdateSongInfo; object = { AlbumTitle = "Toys In the Attic"; ArtistName = Aerosmith; SongArtwork = "<NSImage 0x6000088d0320 Size={300, 300} RepProvider=<NSImageArrayRepProvider: 0x600003b24b00, reps:(\n "NSBitmapImageRep 0x6000011c0460 Size={300, 300} ColorSpace=(not yet loaded) BPS=8 BPP=(not yet loaded) Pixels=300x300 Alpha=NO Planar=NO Format=(not yet loaded) CurrentBacking=nil (faulting) CGImageSource=0x6000032f4380"\n)>>"; SongLength = "249.754"; SongTitle = "Uncle Salty"; Source = AppleMusic; }} Apple Music track loaded: Uncle Salty by Aerosmith
Jan ’25
Reply to ApplicationMusicPlayer / MediaPlayer Refuses to Play
Using your suggestion, the queue won't even accept the entry: Queue cleared. Apple Music player reset successfully. Track Details: Title: Adam's Apple Artist: Aerosmith PlayParameters: PlayParameters(id: 1660109281, kind: "song", isLibrary: nil, catalogID: nil, libraryID: nil, deviceLocalID: nil, rawValues: [:]) Queue initialized with track: Adam's Apple Queue is empty after adding track Adam's Apple. public func playTrack(_ track: Track) async { guard let playParameters = track.playParameters else { print("Error: Track \(track.title) is missing PlayParameters. Cannot play.") return } print("Track Details:") print(" - Title: \(track.title)") print(" - Artist: \(track.artistName)") print(" - PlayParameters: \(playParameters)") // Request Music Authorization let status = await MusicAuthorization.request() if status != .authorized { print("Music authorization not granted.") return } do { // Replace the queue with the track player.queue = [track] print("Queue initialized with track: \(track.title)") // Validate the queue state if player.queue.entries.isEmpty { print("Queue is empty after adding track \(track.title).") return } // Log queue details print("Queue contains \(player.queue.entries.count) entries.") for entry in player.queue.entries { print("Queue Entry: \(entry.title)") } // Notify about track info self.notifyAppleMusicTrackInfo(track) // Prepare and play try await player.prepareToPlay() try await print("Playback started for track: \(track.title)") } catch { print("Error during playback for \(track.title): \(error.localizedDescription)") } }
Jan ’25
Reply to ApplicationMusicPlayer / MediaPlayer Refuses to Play
Queue cleared. Apple Music player reset successfully. Queued track: Uncle Salty with PlayParameters present. Play Parameters: PlayParameters(id: 1660109276, kind: "song", isLibrary: nil, catalogID: nil, libraryID: nil, deviceLocalID: nil, rawValues: [:]) Queue contains 1 entries. prepareToPlay failed [no target descriptor] Error during playback for Uncle Salty: The operation couldn’t be completed. (MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain error 1.) Notification BASS DSD NSConcreteNotification 0x600003cd70e0 {name = kUpdateSongInfo; object = { AlbumTitle = "Toys In the Attic"; ArtistName = Aerosmith; SongArtwork = "<NSImage 0x60000873dd60 Size={300, 300} RepProvider=<NSImageArrayRepProvider: 0x6000034711c0, reps:(\n "NSBitmapImageRep 0x600001eace00 Size={300, 300} ColorSpace=(not yet loaded) BPS=8 BPP=(not yet loaded) Pixels=300x300 Alpha=NO Planar=NO Format=(not yet loaded) CurrentBacking=nil (faulting) CGImageSource=0x600003cb0040"\n)>>"; SongLength = "249.754"; SongTitle = "Uncle Salty"; Source = AppleMusic; }} Changes to the code: private let player = ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared // MARK: - Play Single Track public func playTrack(_ track: Track) async { guard let playParameters = track.playParameters else { print("Error: Track \(track.title) is missing PlayParameters. Cannot play.") return } let status = await MusicAuthorization.request() if status != .authorized { print("Music authorization not granted.") } do { // Insert the track into the queue try await player.queue.insert(track, position: .afterCurrentEntry) print("Queued track: \(track.title) with PlayParameters present.") print("Play Parameters:", track.playParameters ?? "None") // Log the queue state if player.queue.entries.isEmpty { print("Queue is still empty after inserting track \(track.title).") return } print("Queue contains \(player.queue.entries.count) entries.") self.notifyAppleMusicTrackInfo(track) // Prepare and play try await player.prepareToPlay() try await print("Playback started for track: \(track.title)") } catch { print("Error during playback for \(track.title): \(error.localizedDescription)") } }
Jan ’25