




Sharing Photos and Videos from the Photos app to SwiftUI app
I have a SwiftUI app that needs to be able to receive photos and videos from the Photos app. When the user shares an item from the Photos app they can choose to share to a destination app. When doing so from the Files app, my app appears as a share destination and the .onOpenURL successfully handles the incoming content. The CFBundleTypeName and CFBundleTypeRole have been configured accordingly. What I don't understand is why I can share from the Files app and select my app as the destination, while not being able to select my app when sharing from the Photos app. What does the Photos app require to allow a given app to available as a share destination? I'd also like to be able to do this from other apps such as the YouTube app.
Dec ’24
Share via Context Menu Button
I have an app that I would like to implement sharing an Image from a Button within a .contextMenu as below. I’d like to share from the button in the same way as a ShareLink would. I see other resources suggest the use of the UIActivityViewController although I was wondering if there is a SwiftUI approach that would not involve UIKit. .contextMenu { Button(action: { debugPrint("Share") }) { Label("Share", systemImage: "square.and.arrow.up") } }
Dec ’24
CLCircularGeographicCondition 20 Condition Limit
According to the following article, the CLCircularGeographicCondition has a limit whereby only 20 conditions can be monitored by any single app. Monitoring the user’s proximity to geographic regions While I understand the rationale behind this limit, 20 conditions seems quite low for some apps. It would be good if an app could request that the user opt-in to allowing more conditions if they understand the impact this might have on the battery etc. I'm migrating an app presently to use CLCircularGeographicCondition instead of the now deprecated CLCircularRegion. It would be good if there were more guidance on how to use the new Core Location API's to monitor how many conditions are in use within an app and how they can be deactivated when no longer required, allowing the app to free up more of the 20 conditions available.
Nov ’24
Sync SwiftData via CloudKit on App Start
I have an app that uses SwiftData with CloudKit to synchronize data across a users devices. I'm able to replicate data created on one device on another and when removing data, it is also removed on the other device. So, I know that SwiftData and CloudKit are configured correctly. What I'd like to do though, is to ensure that if a user installs the app on an additional device, that the data is synchronized upon app start. When testing my app on a third device, via TestFlight, there was no data in the app upon launch even though all three devices are using the same Apple account (e.g. Apple ID). What is the best way to achieve this?
Nov ’24
SwiftUI Color Issue
I have ran into an issue that is illustrated by the code in the following GitHub repository. When a SwiftUI color originates from the ColorPicker it can be persisted correctly and renders the same as the original color. When the color originates from the MapFeature.backgroundColor, it is always rendered with the light appearance version of the color and not the dark appearance version. The readme in the GitHub repo has screenshots that show this. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as this is affecting an app that is in development and I'd like to resolve this before the app is released. If this is caused by a framework bug, any possible workaround would be greatly appreciated also. I suspect it maybe a framework issue, possibly with some code related to the MapFeature.backgroundColor, because the issue does not occur when the color originates from the ColorPicker.
Nov ’24
Store SwiftUI Color in SwiftData
I have an app that needs to store a SwiftUI Color within SwiftData and I was wondering if anyone had found a way to do so easily and accurately. I'd prefer not to have to store the Color components (e.g. RGB values) and would ideally like to have a single variable in the @Model that stores the Color. I had considered using an extension to the Color type to create a HEX encoded String of the Color and an initializer that creates a Color from the HEX encoded String. Unfortunately, doing so proved not to be accurate due data loss when converting component values to integers. When testing this in Photoshop, the original color #FBAA1D became #FFAB00. Is there a way to accurately store the Color in SwiftData, possibly using a binary conversion to Data or somehow storing the Color.Resolved, which itself does not appear to be compatible with SwiftData. Any thoughts on how to best store the Color accurately within SwiftData would be greatly appreciated.
Nov ’24
Get SwiftUI Image Data
I’m looking for the easiest and most efficient way to convert a SwiftUI Image to Data so that I can store it in SwiftData. let image: Image let data: Data = GetImageData(image: image) How would I implement the GetImageData function above? I have found examples of how to do so with UIImage but not Image.
Nov ’24
SwiftData error "Thread 1: Fatal error: Composite Coder only supports Keyed Container"
I'm using SwiftData to store data in my app and I recently had to store both image data and colors. I have therefore added two variables to my model, one of type Data? and the other of type Color.Resolved? If both are set to nil then I can call without any error but when providing a value of type Color.Resolved, the following error message occurs: Thread 1: Fatal error: Composite Coder only supports Keyed Container. Any guidance on how to solve this and what needs to be done to store image data and colors with SwiftData?
Nov ’24
MapSelection of MapFeatures and MKMapItems
I have a Map within a SwiftUI app that has the selection parameter set to an optional MapSelection. I need to be able to select MapFeatures which works as expected as well as MKMapItems which are added to the map. The MKMapItems are not selectable. Is it possible to make it such that the Map allows the user to select MKMapItems as well as MapFeatures?
Nov ’24
MapFeature icon and color
I don't believe it's possible today to access the icon and tint color of a MapFeature although this would be incredibly helpful in the app that I'm building presently as I'm storing places in SwiftData and would like to use the same icon and tint color when listing places in the app. It would be awesome if this were possible in the next version of iOS, iPadOS visionOS etc., if not presently possible.
Nov ’24
Center Map in SwiftUI to specific latitude and longitude.
I have a Map in SwiftUI using MapKit and the map has several annotations and MapCircles added to it. I need to have the ability to center the map on a specific latitude and longitude. The issue is that the map instead is centering so that all annotations and MapCircles etc. are visible. How can I have it disregard items added to the map and center the map at a specific latitude and longitude and ideally, control the zoom level of the map also?
Nov ’24
Question about .presentationDetents and interactiveDismissDisabled modifiers
I have an app that I'm working on where I'd like to use the .presentationDetents modifier and I need the view to not be dismissed by the user. I'm therefore using the .interactiveDismissDisabled modifier. Unfortunately, that means that the Map on the ContentView can no longer respond to touch gestures. How can I have a similar experience to the Maps app where the underlying Map (or other views) can be interacted with and the user can still be prevented from dismissing the view controlled by the .presentationDetents modifier? SomeView(searchResults: $searchResults, selectedItem: $selectedItem) .presentationDetents([.height(100), .medium]) .presentationDragIndicator(.visible) .interactiveDismissDisabled(true)
Oct ’24