Hey, not exactly what I wanted, but that's a cool site. 😀 Thanks!
Thanks for the reply!
We fixed this two ways:
// debugDescription is... because Swift, I guess.
+ (MTLPropertyStorage)storageBehaviorForPropertyWithKey:(NSString *)propertyKey {
if ([propertyKey isEqualToString:@"debugDescription"])
return MTLPropertyStorageNone;
return [super storageBehaviorForPropertyWithKey:propertyKey];
In our base model type:
+ (MTLPropertyStorage)storageBehaviorForPropertyWithKey:(NSString *)propertyKey {
if ([@[
@"isSubmitting", @"submitting", @"debugDescription"
] containsObject:propertyKey])
return MTLPropertyStorageNone;
return [super storageBehaviorForPropertyWithKey:propertyKey];
Oh, there is also an fpritntf that actually generates this output in MTLEXTRuntimeExtensions.m, starting at line 601. You can comment that out or delete it and change it to a "break;" statement, like this:
I don’t recall the exact differences offhand, but if you create a new project using SwiftData and without CloudKit, the setup is slightly different. I didn’t have any trouble with data persistence between runs.
Per suggestion in Slack's "data-frameworks" WWDC 2023 channel, I submitted Feedback, as FB12245665.
Here's the real answer:
You need to use add an OSLogPreferences dictionary to your app's "Info.plist" file.
For details, open Terminal and type man 5 os_log. The general structure will be something like this:
In Xcode, this looks like this:
You enter a subsystem and category when you instantiate your Logger in Swift, something like this:
import OSLog
let myLogger = Logger(subsystem: "com.example.mycompany.mysubsystem", category: "kittens")
logger.log("Hello there!")
The dictionary under OSLogPreferences can have multiple subsystems, and each subsystem can list one or more categories. You can also use the special category key, DEFAULT-OPTIONS, to define common settings for all categories in a subsystem. So, if you used the single subsystem, com.example.mycompany.mysubsystem, you could do something like this:
In both of my examples, the Enable-Private-Data key isn't required, but I include it so that everything doesn't say when you try to look at your logs. Thanks to @eskimo for pointing me to this man page.
No idea. Same happened with me. Did you figure something out?
It's an iOS beta bug -- see iOS beta release notes :
Known Issues
Using dispatch semaphores in an iOS app running in a device simulator on a Mac with Apple silicon running macOS 11 will cause the app to crash. (81783378)
Workaround: In Xcode, select Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme, then deselect Run > Options > Queue Debugging > “Enable backtrace recording.”
Can anyone confirm -- have you seen this issue when your mac is also running on the latest macOS beta?
Same here.
Tried all that stuff as well.
It doesn't happen when not attached to the debugger... but that's not exactly helpful.
@milutz Do you have a simple use case? And have you filed a Feedback?
I'm seeing the same, triggered by either RunLoop or Firebase, but always ending in the same Semaphore issue.
** Note: I CANNOT reproduce this if I run Xcode and simulator from an Intel mac running macOS beta.
Restarting the phone worked for me. Xcode 12.2 beta 3 + iOS 14.2.
Having the same issue. SwiftUI. The implementation works nicely in iOS 13.x, but the drops don't work in iOS 14.
I was just trying the accepted answer in a new project, as-is, but it doesn't work.
The item looks like it's going to drag, but you can't drop it anywhere -- it just reverts back to its source.
Running Xcode 12.0.1 with iOS 13.x.