




Reply to ERROR: Unrecognized attribute string flag '?' in attribute string "T@"NSString",?,R,C" for property debugDescription
Thanks for the reply! We fixed this two ways: // debugDescription is... because Swift, I guess. + (MTLPropertyStorage)storageBehaviorForPropertyWithKey:(NSString *)propertyKey { if ([propertyKey isEqualToString:@"debugDescription"]) { return MTLPropertyStorageNone; } else { return [super storageBehaviorForPropertyWithKey:propertyKey]; } } @end In our base model type: + (MTLPropertyStorage)storageBehaviorForPropertyWithKey:(NSString *)propertyKey { if ([@[ @"isSubmitting", @"submitting", @"debugDescription" ] containsObject:propertyKey]) { return MTLPropertyStorageNone; } else { return [super storageBehaviorForPropertyWithKey:propertyKey]; } } @end Oh, there is also an fpritntf that actually generates this output in MTLEXTRuntimeExtensions.m, starting at line 601. You can comment that out or delete it and change it to a "break;" statement, like this:
Jan ’25
Reply to os_log configuration iOS
Here's the real answer: You need to use add an OSLogPreferences dictionary to your app's "Info.plist" file. For details, open Terminal and type man 5 os_log. The general structure will be something like this:     <key>OSLogPreferences</key>     <dict>         <key></key>         <dict>             <key></key>             <dict>                 <key>Level</key>                 <dict>                     <key>Enable</key>                     <string>Debug</string>                     <key>Persist</key>                     <string>Debug</string>                 </dict>                 <key>Enable-Private-Data</key>                 <true/>             </dict>         </dict>     </dict> In Xcode, this looks like this: You enter a subsystem and category when you instantiate your Logger in Swift, something like this: import OSLog let myLogger = Logger(subsystem: "com.example.mycompany.mysubsystem", category: "kittens") logger.log("Hello there!") The dictionary under OSLogPreferences can have multiple subsystems, and each subsystem can list one or more categories. You can also use the special category key, DEFAULT-OPTIONS, to define common settings for all categories in a subsystem. So, if you used the single subsystem, com.example.mycompany.mysubsystem, you could do something like this:     <key>OSLogPreferences</key>     <dict>         <key>com.example.mycompany.mysubsystem</key>         <dict>             <key>DEFAULT-OPTIONS</key>             <dict>                 <key>Level</key>                 <dict>                     <key>Enable</key>                     <string>Debug</string>                     <key>Persist</key>                     <string>Debug</string>                 </dict>                 <key>Enable-Private-Data</key>                 <true/>             </dict>         </dict>     </dict> In both of my examples, the Enable-Private-Data key isn't required, but I include it so that everything doesn't say when you try to look at your logs. Thanks to @eskimo for pointing me to this man page.
Feb ’23
Reply to Crashes in _os_semaphore_dispose.cold since Xcode 13 beta 5
It's an iOS beta bug -- see iOS beta release notes : Debugging Known Issues Using dispatch semaphores in an iOS app running in a device simulator on a Mac with Apple silicon running macOS 11 will cause the app to crash. (81783378) Workaround: In Xcode, select Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme, then deselect Run > Options > Queue Debugging > “Enable backtrace recording.”
Aug ’21
Reply to Crashes in _os_semaphore_dispose.cold since Xcode 13 beta 5
Same here. Tried all that stuff as well. It doesn't happen when not attached to the debugger... but that's not exactly helpful. @milutz Do you have a simple use case? And have you filed a Feedback? I'm seeing the same, triggered by either RunLoop or Firebase, but always ending in the same Semaphore issue. ** Note: I CANNOT reproduce this if I run Xcode and simulator from an Intel mac running macOS beta.
Aug ’21