I'm working on a game that uses NWBrowser and NWListener to create a connection between an iOS and tvOS app.
I've got the initial networking up and running and it works perfectly when running in the simulator(s). However, when I run on-device(s), I've found that browseResultsChangedHandler gets called multiple times for what is ostensibly the same service.
My browser handler (which runs on iOS) looks like this:
browser.browseResultsChangedHandler = { [weak self] results, changes in
if let result = browser.browseResults.first {
self?.onPeerConnected?(PeerConnection(endpoint: result.endpoint))
The first time it gets called, the interface in the NWBrowser.Result is en0, but the 2nd time it gets called, it is en0 AND awdl0.
Because my current handling is so naive, this re-invocation ends up with two connections being made to the remote server (the Apple TV).
Now, I know that this handler, by its very name, is designed to be called multiple times as things change, so I'm curious as to what strategies I might employ here.
Is there any value in tearing down any previous connections and re-connecting using the latest one? Should I just kill the browser as soon as I handle the first one? Just ignore subsequent ones?
I'm sure that, to a degree, the answer is probably "it depends"... but I'm curious to see if there might be at least some high-level strategies like "whatever you do, don't do xxxx" or "most apps do yyyy" :-)
I've just started working on my first SpriteKit game that will eventually run on both tvOS and iOS and am looking at how to build a "button". So far, I've got a custom node that looks like:
class MyButton: SKSpriteNode {
#if os(tvOS)
override var canBecomeFocused: Bool {
override func didUpdateFocus(...) {
The above let me nicely handle focus changes in tvOS and now I'm looking at reacting to selecting the button.
Searching around, all the articles/questions/posts are from 2015-2016 - which is a LOOOONG time ago. Most of the guidance appears to be to add a tap gesture recognizer in the owning scene and getting the scene to hand it off to the button. That seems pretty brittle and I'd much prefer if the button itself is responsible for its own tap management.
So, I guess my question is whether I should just add a gesture recognizer to my custom button class? Is this inefficient if I end up having 7-8 buttons on the screen and each one has its own gesture recognizer?
Somewhat related, all of the 10-year-old advice is that if we add recognizers to scenes, then they need to be removed from the view controller... however, in the modern day world with SwiftUI, my project doesn't even have a view controller (yet, anyway)... what gesture recognizer lifecycle management do I need in a SpriteKit scene that is presented within a SpriteKitView?
Or, is there a better way? I was kind of hoping that overriding pressesBegan() (or something similar) in my custom button might have been triggered on tvOS (like touchesBegan() lets me manage touches for the iOS variant of my app)
Any pointers or suggestions would be gladly received. Thanks.
I have an idea for a game where the Apple TV app acts as the host and discovers nearby iOS apps that can join the game. Each iOS app needs to be able to have the user draw, tap, etc and have all the events be delivered in real time to the Apple TV where the effects will be rendered immediately (imagine a co-op game played in your lounge room where guests user their own devices to control aspects of the UI on the shared Apple TV screen)
MPC is discontinued and DeviceDiscoveryUI is limited to only a single iOS device so I’m trying to figure out the best way to do the P2P networking.
Reading/watching videos suggests that using GKMatchMaker and friends seems like it might suffer from latency problems (because everything has to go via Game Centre - or does it?) plus I’m not sure how I’d deal with the fact that the owner of the Apple TV is likely to signed into the same game centre id on both the Apple TV and their own devices to which would mean they wouldnt be able to play because the host can’t invite “themselves” on another device (or can it?)
Soooo… I’m looking for suggestions on how best to move forward. I’ve read https://developer.apple.com/documentation/technotes/tn3151-choosing-the-right-networking-api which is very useful but there’s no clear suggestion that would work.
Using the Network for the real time messaging seems doable but dealing with discovery / invites seems like a massive pain that I’d prefer to use built-in libraries if possible.
Any suggestions would be gladly received. Thanks a lot
Currently building a brand new app where we have 2 bundles in AppStoreConnect - the prod bundle and the non-prod bundle (the latter is purely used to connect to and test against our dev environment and will never be released to the store).
We've been successfully testing our non-prod bundle using TestFlight and we're now adding in-app purchase to it. I've created the product in AppStoreConnect, but on the Manage In-App Purchases page, I see this message:
Your first in-app purchase must be submitted with a new app version. Create your in-app purchase, then select it from the app’s In-App Purchases section under App Store and click Submit. Once your binary has been uploaded and your first in-app purchase has been submitted for review, additional in-app purchases can be submitted using the table below.
Is this telling me that I need to submit my non-production app for review by Apple before I can test IAP using a TestFlight build?
(Note that I know there's the neat StoreKit stuff in Xcode these days and I've tested that the app works OK using that... the next step is to get those IAPs available in our TestFlight build)