




CreateML Preview Tab Miscalculating Sample Duration
I'm training an activity classifier with CreateML and when I add samples to the Preview tab, the length of the sample it displays does not match its actual length. I have set prediction window size to 15 and sample rate to 10. The activity is roughly 1.5 seconds. When I put a 1.49 second sample into preview, it says it is 00:00.06 seconds: and when I put a 12.91 second sample into preview, it says it is 00:00.52 seconds: Here is the code I am using to print out sensor data in csv format: if motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable { motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 0.1 motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: .main) { data, error in guard let data = data, let startTime = self.startTime else { return } let timestamp = Date().timeIntervalSince(startTime) let xAcc = data.userAcceleration.x let yAcc = data.userAcceleration.y let zAcc = data.userAcceleration.z let xRotRate = data.rotationRate.x let yRotRate = data.rotationRate.y let zRotRate = data.rotationRate.z let roll = data.attitude.roll let pitch = data.attitude.pitch let yaw = data.attitude.yaw let row = "\(timestamp),\(xAcc),\(yAcc),\(zAcc),\(xRotRate),\(yRotRate),\(zRotRate),\(roll),\(pitch),\(yaw)" print(row) } } And here is the data for the 1.49 second sample mentioned above:
Apr ’24