




SwiftUI OpenURLOptions
With SwiftUI's onOpenURL(perform:) view modifier (, is there any mechanism for accessing the options dictionary? In UIKit, the UIApplicationDelegate it would be passed as a parameter to application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]).
Aug ’21
Open-In-Place In an iOS Shoebox App
I'm working on an iOS shoebox app, which stores records in a database, but also supports arbitrary file attachments. The files live in the app's container, and are synced with other machines, but the app's purpose is not a general file storage mechanism and there is no explicit cloud component. I'd like to be able to offer the user the opportunity to edit these files in-place. For example if one of them was a Numbers file, the user should be able to select it in my app, open up a share sheet, and tap Numbers to edit the document - without Numbers creating a copy of it. At the moment, it's looking to me as though the only way to achieve this is for the shoebox app to implement a FileProviderExtension. However, a FileProviderExtension would presumably also surface all of the attachments in the Files app, and in the file browser sheet of any other document-based app, which is not really appropriate for this use case. Am I missing something here? Is there another way to achieve what I want?
Jun ’21