




Reply to RealityKit SIMD3<Float> precision decreases with distance?
Are you saying the implementation of SIMD3 is not a collection or struct of three separate values? No, I'm not saying that; the Swift SIMD type is certainly just a struct of regular floats. I believe the corresponding GPU arithmetic is too. But by the time these values have gone through all of your transform matrices, and in particular perspective devision, every value could have had some sort of influence on every other. However, as I said, "there could be other issues involved". Keep debugging.
Reply to Using Google Maps in App to determine distance
There are various other routing services, including: MapBox has a Directions API: AWS has one here: Also consider OpenRouteService: The cheapest option for a large volume of queries will be to implement your own instance of OpenRoutService, or similar. But that's a lot of work.
Reply to An Apple Developers Rant.... (So upset...)
I am fully aware that I can no longer use xcode to put anything else on my iphone without a developer licence No, you can install apps from xcode onto your phone without a paid developer program membership. The difference is that they expire more quickly (maybe 7 days instead of 90??) and maybe some features are unavailable. Somewhere there is a table explaining exactly what you can do but I can’t immediately find it. Maybe someone else will find a link.
Reply to Phonep,e wrong transaction refund money's
We appreciate your interest in participating in the forums! Last time we discussed this, we were told that there are no Apple "bots" on the forum and these messages are written by actual human Apple employees. I don't believe that There is no way that Apple could possibly employ someone who reads that obviously-spam message and thinks, "this needs to be on the Apple Support forum". No, impossible. So, I'm going to downvote the obvious bot message. Let's see what happens.