All of the so-called “secure” APIs are built on top of the so-called “insecure” APIs, in particular malloc.
The point is that these “insecure” APIs are only insecure if you use them wrongly. You need to trust that the people who have used malloc and strlen in e.g. the Swift or obC runtime are smarter than you and use them safely.
There are various other routing services, including:
MapBox has a Directions API:
AWS has one here:
Also consider OpenRouteService:
The cheapest option for a large volume of queries will be to implement your own instance of OpenRoutService, or similar. But that's a lot of work.
Screenshots can only be changed when an app update is released.
This could be a trivial update with no real changes. It still needs to go through app review etc.
5-8 hours work seems not completely unreasonable, if the developer is going to do some proper pre-release testing etc.
I am fully aware that I can no longer use xcode to put anything else on my iphone without a developer licence
No, you can install apps from xcode onto your phone without a paid developer program membership. The difference is that they expire more quickly (maybe 7 days instead of 90??) and maybe some features are unavailable.
Somewhere there is a table explaining exactly what you can do but I can’t immediately find it. Maybe someone else will find a link.
A canned reply is not the same as a bot
I human that cannot be distinguished from a bot might as well be a bot.
Maybe the iPhone is cleverly recognising that the GPS signal is fake, somehow?
You might ask Rohde & Schwarz to comment.
Can confirm there are not bots in the forums
I don't believe you.
We appreciate your interest in participating in the forums!
Last time we discussed this, we were told that there are no Apple "bots" on the forum and these messages are written by actual human Apple employees.
I don't believe that
There is no way that Apple could possibly employ someone who reads that obviously-spam message and thinks, "this needs to be on the Apple Support forum". No, impossible.
So, I'm going to downvote the obvious bot message.
Let's see what happens.
What's the customer experience for those with the old app?
It's a completely different app.
What sort of in-app purchase is this? Subscription / consumable / non-consumable…
Why do they believe they’ve been charged twice? (Ask them to send a copy of the receipt that Apple sent them, or a screenshot of their purchase history.)
I could access it on a phone where I am connected with an Icloud account in the developper list of the apple development account.
I'm not sure what you mean by "in the developer list". The account needs to be a sandbox account. Just using your real Apple account, which is the one that is associated with your developer account, is not sufficient. (If I understand correctly.)
the IP address mentioned in Developer forum post is not the one which responds to address
Right. It's a test server, set up temporarily so that you can check that you have done your certificate replacement correctly. Quoting the linked post:
We have setup a test server at that you can use to try and send pushes to test whether your new root certificate is correctly installed.
I think the IP address you've given is probably for the live server.
I guess that the char* that you get from xpc_dictionary_get_string points inside the dictionary, and not to a copy. I.e. the bytes are freed when the dictionary is destroyed.
Or as close to Never as makes no difference.
I reported this bug one year ago in
That's not a bug report, it's a developer forum post.
Have you actually submitted a bug report?