I keep having to delete keys in com.apple.dt.Xcode.plist in order to paste in an URL to a package without having to deal with and endless spinner. Then, after I do that to bring in a package that has a macro, it's a crap shoot that it will recognize the macro when I try to import it.
What's the deal?
Been having trouble with this update. It's 1.6G to download but needed 50G to not fail because of a download error. Now I'm getting an alert saying I need to reboot into safe mode an enable system extensions. That step worries me for a bunch of reasons. Should I need to modify my security settings for an incremental update?
This is something I've never had to do before, btw.
ITMS-90334: Invalid Code Signature Identifier - The identifier 'bundle id followed by 30 random characters' in your code signature for 'bundle id' must match its Bundle Identifier 'bundle id'
Currently, any app I’ve tried is getting this error when submitting from the app. I’ve got all the places where you put the name, the sku, and bundle id set with the same value (copy/paste), and I’ve tried different variations, but now that long string of random characters is appended and I can’t use TestFlight.
Maybe because this is a beta iPad OS? Been on a beta for what seems like forever. It’s worked in the past.
Great. Totally innocuous post that has something that is not permitted. Be nice if you TELL me what’s NOT PERMITTED!
Can't get a server bot to clone any repository in GitHub or Bitbucket. It seems like it needs access to credentials that are there when the bots are setup but have not made it into the server's user or something. Almost as if I need to setup .ssh for whatever user runs the bots?
Points I can think of:
Xcode 13
I've tried public and private repos
local accounts have access just fine, just not the one the bot runs on.
Accounts in Xcode on both the machines are setup, but that's not the xcodeserver user.
I've had this working before before these services forced you to personal access tokens.
For the integration user I've tried accounts that have full access to these repositories.
As a test I added a post integration trigger to try to clone it manually. That works fine.
I think I'm not getting it. How do you copy the code? I can't select more than one line, and when I copy that line I can't past it into Xcode. If I right click on the whole block and choose copy, I can't paste that anywhere either.
I managed to select the ColorsContentView struct, and I copied it. Here's what I was finally able to get: https://developer.apple.com/wwdc21/10176
i.e., not the code.