I've recently upgraded to Xcode 16 and noticed a change in how the Tab key functions during autocomplete.
(not-replied-but-closed post: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/255762888)
Previously, pressing Tab would extend the typed text up to the first point of choice.
For example, we have two classes: NSViewController and NSViewCoordinator
BEFORE, typing: "NSV" + Tab used to complete to NSViewCo
Now, in Xcode 16, pressing Tab selects the first suggestion by default, instead of completing up to the choice point.
That is very inconvenient because very often I want just see all possible cases with some prefix...without need of typing all prefix manually.
Seems there is no way to restore the previous behavior and that looks very very sad.
I have reverse engineered Xcode 16...and what I get?
They just install new CodeCompletion handler instead of old one without any chance to configure this behaviour by settings or UserDefaults =\
Hope this thread would raise votes and attract Xcode devs here
I'm working on custom solution that uses USB device/interface drivers.
For correct setup I need ability to communicate between my own Services, declared in IOKit Personalities of my DEXT.
At the moment I'm seeing the one way to do it via some shared state. But DriverKit by default launches each USB service in separate process when device is connected.
Documentation says that there is "IOUserServerOneProcess" key could be declared in Info.plist. But seems it does not work: all my USB services run in different processes.
Could anybody suggest a way how to interact between own DriverKit services or run them in context of the single process?