




Incorrect keyboard autofill issue
I recently released my first app. I noticed that on my login screen, the keyboard on both my email TextField and my password SecureField was showing an autofill for passwords. I was setting their keyboard type, but looking into this, I noticed that there is a text content type that I should also be setting. Upon setting this, nothing changed. The only thing that does seem to change this functionality is by hiding the SecureField. I ran into a problem when I tried adding a dismiss button to the toolbar of these keyboards. I was able to find people talking about this being an iOS 17 bug. However, I have not found anyone talking about this autofill issue. Is this also a bug in iOS 17? Back when I was creating the login page for my app, I believe it was still iOS 16, and that would explain why I didn't notice it before. One more note I just ran across while testing. If I add a second identical TextField, it won't have this autofill.
Jul ’24