how to run flutter project with release mode in simulator
The app stucks on launch page when they tested in iPad Air 5th generation and iOS version 17.3.1
I tested the application in all available simulators
My project was working 100% fine on xcode13 but when i updated my MAC OS from big sur to monterey and my Xcode from 13 to 14. my app crashes on start.
and below are the highlighted error pages and screen shots
Please let me know any possible solution to make the app it run
I'm able to get for visible but for invisible I'm getting null cell error or undefined cell
let rowCount = tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: 0)
or row in 1 ..< rowCount {
let cellObj = tableView.cellForRow(at: NSIndexPath(row: row, section: 0) as IndexPath) as! selectVehTableViewCell
I'm trying to achieve the functionality same like whatsapp, whenever message is delivered to the user the sender gets the double tick(Means message has been delivered).
this works in all scenarios even if the app is killed.
I'm sending push notification with extra data(notification id) which will be saved whenever notification is received. so I can save and inform server about the notification delivery status.
for this I tried didReceiveRemoteNotification but it wont work always because once the app is killed (swiped from recent apps) than no more calls are going.
Can I know the method how whatsapp is achieving this.
Is there any method by which we can get the status of notification delivery even when app is killed.
I'm trying to get notification data that whenever notification is received on Phone, it should update database that notification with this id is received.
To achieve that i'm using didReceiveRemoteNotification call method which is working absolutely fine in foreground and background but once the app is removed(swiped) from recent apps section. I get message ("Terminated due to signal 9") and calls are not received on method didReceiveRemoteNotification
How can I get this call to wakeup even when app is killed (swiped from recent apps).
Is there any alternative way that I can use to get the notification received data with notification id with real time.
func application(_ application: UIApplication,
didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any],
fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {
print("Remote call data is working")
hi all
I am new in swift and i want read string from java server to swift client through stream but its giving me -1 here is my server code in java
try {
out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(tempClientSocket.getOutputStream())),
} catch (IOException e) {
out.println("hello world");
here is my client code in swift
let dataCount = data.count
let bytesWritten = data.withUnsafeBytes { (p: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) -> Int in
return streams.outputStream.write(p, maxLength: dataCount)
when i print stream delegate event code outputOpenCompleted:
outputHasSpaceAvailable: is printing but no any printi9ng is coming for inputstream
on meassage is like that ** SocketStream read error [0x28173c000]: 1 60** Please please help me as soon as possibloe