I have been using SDAVAssetExportSession to compress videos in an app I am building, everything goes very smoothly until I have my new Iphone16, on the device, the spatial audio in camera setting is turned on by default, then the SDAVAssetExportSession starts to fail. I know it has something to do with audioSetting. the current setting is something like this:
exportSession.audioSettings = [
AVFormatIDKey: kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC,
AVNumberOfChannelsKey: 2,
AVSampleRateKey: 44100,
AVEncoderBitRateKey: 128000
And also, this is passed to the underlying object AVAssetReader or AVAssetWriter. I am not experienced in this area, and I really had a hard time trying to figure out.
Does anyone know how to set up AVAssetReader or AVAssetWriter to process video with spatial audio tracks ? thanks in advance.
Hi everyone,
I'm working with VNFeaturePrintObservation in Swift to compute the similarity between images. The computeDistance function allows me to calculate the distance between two images, and I want to cluster similar images based on these distances.
Current Approach
Right now, I'm using a brute-force approach where I compare every image against every other image in the dataset. This results in an O(n^2) complexity, which quickly becomes a bottleneck. With 5000 images, it takes around 10 seconds to complete, which is too slow for my use case.
Are there any efficient algorithms or data structures I can use to improve performance?
If anyone has experience with optimizing feature vector clustering or has suggestions on how to scale this efficiently, I'd really appreciate your insights. Thanks!
is forKey:fileSize considered accessing non-public API?
has your app been rejected at review stage due to this?
let resources = PHAssetResource.assetResources(for: asset)
if let resource = resources.first {
if let fileSize = resource.value(forKey: "fileSize") as? Int {
return fileSize
I have been struggling to test the IAP response but it is returning empty. I am now in the very beginning of one app, and I don't want to submit the contacts and banking and tax stuff that early. are these necessary for even testing IAP results locally? I think it does not make sense if I have to.