




Reply to Background location tracking on iPad fails
Thanks for the response. I should have provided some more details. My app is not crashing or being terminated by iOS. I know this because the user says that when they open the app later, it opens immediately to the screen where they left off. If it had crashed it would have started at a login screen. The app is designed to store location updates locally until the user is ready to send them to the server, but I'll check to see if something else might be using Wifi. I hadn't considered that it might be taking too long to process updates. I'll look into that. I think all it's doing is storing them in a SQLite database.
Dec ’24
Reply to Hashable class extending NSObject?
Thanks for the response. I checked my code and found that I had already implemented the isEqual method but forgot to mention it in my original post. Oddly, my app compiles and runs now even though I did not really change anything. Also oddly, when I build it I see the "Redundant conformance to Hashable" message show up for a moment, and then disappear. Possibly this is some kind of Xcode bug? It doesn't really matter at this point I guess. I'd feel better knowing why it happened initially but I can't really expect anyone to spend time debugging an Objective-C issue. Frank
Jan ’24
Reply to Popover view won't close keyboard
Basically I'm swiping down from the top edge of the view. This is the only time I see the problem. If I close the view by calling dismiss myself (for example if I put a cancel button in the view), it works fine. I don't really need or care about the swipe-to-close behavior. Can it be disabled?
Mar ’23
Reply to Can't upload to App Store from M1 Mac Mini
12 days later I'm still experiencing this problem, so I don't think it's a transient issue with the app store servers. I have a followup question though. I've been doing iOS development since 2009. For many years, I have posted in these forums and gotten lots of timely help, often from Apple employees. I really appreciate that. Most other companies pay very little attention to their user forums. But ever since Apple changed the format of these forums last year, I have gotten no responses to anything I have posted. I am wondering, am I doing something wrong, not using tags correctly, etc? Or is this simply the new reality? Frank
Jan ’21