




Can build my app but not Archive
Apologies that this is probably a simple problem. I've started from a sample code provided by Apple and changed it quite significantly. However, I'm not able to Archive the app. The original visionOS sample code has the same issue, so hopefully someone will be able to spot the problem: The problems shown in the log are: Undefined symbol: _main Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) The first error seems to say that there's no "main" but there is indeed a @main in the EntryPoint.swift file. Any ideas? I have archived other apps (built from scratch) successfully, but clearly there's something different about this sample code. Many thanks!
Jan ’25
Reality Composer interactivity issues
I'm having some issues with Reality Composer (the latest v1.5 with the latest Xcode beta) and I just wanted to check if these are known issues. I have an image of a printed map which I'd like to turn into an AR-based interactive map. Something simple, where I tap a pin on the map, and details about that location move up from beneath the map, then move back out of view. The map, the pin and the location information are all separate flat images, and I'm using a horizontal anchor. Unfortunately, it seems that simple bugs are stopping this from working at all. Say I set the pin to respond to a Tap. If I use the "Move, Rotate, Scale to" action to move a second object (location info) up, then add a Wait Action, then another "Move, Rotate, Scale to" to move the info object back down to its original position. The result: the info object doesn't initially move up as far as it should, and the second "Move" pushes the info object away and out of sight completely. If I try another approach, using the Show and Hide actions (using "Move from below" and "Move to below" as the Motion type), and again with a Wait in the middle, it works the first time, but subsequent taps cause the info object to simply appear, with no incoming animation, and then the outgoing animation works correctly. Is it just something wrong with my system, or is this broken? If I don't try to move objects around (i.e. Show/Hide with "No Motion") then I have more luck, but I'm feeling pretty constrained. Thanks in advance for all help with this.
Jun ’22
Have basic complications been deprecated in watchOS 9?
I have a simple complication-only app called Roughly, which shows the approximate time in words, to the nearest five minutes, in a choice of languages. It's been on the store for several years, and it's getting creaky. This new guide to WidgetKit is making me nervous: There's a line buried in there: watchOS 9 and later no longer shows families like CLKComplicationFamily.circularSmall, CLKComplicationFamily.modularSmall, or CLKComplicationFamily.modularLarge on watch faces. So... is that the end of all basic complications that haven't been made into Widgets? If so, it would be good to have more clarity on this — I do feel it's easy to miss when things are deprecated. Thanks for any info!
Jun ’22
Is it possible to read or set preferences direct from a watch app?
I have a Settings.bundle for my app Roughly, which tells the approximate time in words (e.g. it's about quarter to six) in a complication. It supports a number of languages, but I allow people to use a different language to their own, to help them learn how to tell the time in another language. The preference switch works fine in the Watch app on the iPhone, but if a user downloads the app direct from the App Store to their watch, there is no way for them to access those preferences. The preferences do not appear in the Watch app without the iOS app present on the iPhone. Does anyone have a good solution to this? Do I have to offer a preferences switch in the app itself?
Aug ’20