




How to send a simple request when HKObserverQuery triggered in background?
Hi everyone, I am trying to send a request to my server in my watch application when HKObserverQuery is triggered. This is working fine when my app is in foreground however the request is not sending when the app manually terminated or in background. HKObserverQuery works fine and triggered in these cases however the request is not sending. I researched about URLSessionConfiguration.background and background sessions but I could not figure it out. I don't want to download or upload a file, I just want to send a simple request when HKObserverQuery is triggered. Can you show me to a path way to make it possible? I am trying to test my watch app with my iPhone, I am assuming the behavior of these scenarios might be same in both device, am I correct? let urlsession = URLSession(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "enablement"), delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil) let dataTask = urlsession.dataTask(with: urlRequest) dataTask.resume() As shown in the code snippet, I tried to set background configuration to my URLSession. I enabled background fetch in background modes. Apple documentation says, dataTask can not run in background -> However I don't want to perform a long running task such as downloading or uploading.
Oct ’24