Thank you
Thanks for your reply. The solution you mentioned cannot be used in widgets. I recently saw a solution that said it can be implemented.
Thank you for your reply. I tried Timer and CADisplayLink, but they are all "invalid" in the widget. Image can be rotated by _clockHandRotationEffect(.secondHand, in: .current, anchor: .center),
but it has been disabled in Xcode 14. For the method you mentioned,
Image (uiImage: UIImage (contentsOfFile: "animated. gif")) can only
display the first frame.
Thank you for your reply. I tried Timer and CADisplayLink, but they are all "invalid" in the widget.
Thank you for your reply. I tried Timer and CADisplayLink, but they are all "invalid" in the widget. Image can be rotated by _clockHandRotationEffect(.secondHand, in: .current, anchor: .center),
but it has been disabled in Xcode 14. For the method you mentioned,
Image (uiImage: UIImage (contentsOfFile: "animated. gif")) can only
display the first frame.
Thank you for your reply. I tried Timer and CADisplayLink, but they are all "invalid" in the widget. Image can be rotated by _clockHandRotationEffect(.secondHand, in: .current, anchor: .center),
but it has been disabled in Xcode 14. For the method you mentioned,
Image (uiImage: UIImage (contentsOfFile: "animated. gif")) can only
display the first frame.
Thank you for your reply. I tried Timer and CADisplayLink, but they are all "invalid" in the widget. Image can be rotated by _clockHandRotationEffect(.secondHand, in: .current, anchor: .center),
but it has been disabled in Xcode 14. For the method you mentioned,
Image (uiImage: UIImage (contentsOfFile: "animated. gif")) can only
display the first frame.
Thank you for your reply. I tried Timer and CADisplayLink, but they are all "invalid" in the widget. Image can be rotated by clockHandRotationEffect(.secondHand, in: .current, anchor: .center), but it has been disabled in Xcode 14. For the method you mentioned, Image (uiImage: UIImage (contentsOfFile: "animated. gif")) can only display the first frame.
Thank you for your reply. I tried Timer and CADisplayLink, but they are all "invalid" in the widget. Image can be rotated by _clockHandRotationEffect(.secondHand, in: .current, anchor: .center), but it has been disabled in Xcode 14. For the method you mentioned, Image (uiImage: UIImage (contentsOfFile: "animated. gif")) can only display the first frame.
Thank you for your reply. I used Timer and CADisplayLink, but in the widget, these timers are "invalidated". The method you mentioned can only display the first frame. Image(uiImage: UIImage(named: "animated.gif")!)
Through the bridge of UIViewRepresentable, WKWebView or UIImageView can load gif, but the view after handover will not be displayed.
This method ._clockHandRotationEffect(.secondHand, in: .current, anchor: .center) can rotate images, but it has been disabled in Xcode 14.