




Reply to Wifi and Power option while developing Mac OS X Authorisation Plugin.
Thanks for sharing code example in DTS request, it cleared lot of doubts. I have tried the code shared with me, one using SFAuthorizationPluginView and another using NSWindowController. With SFAuthorizationPluginView I get a password prompt at the bottom of screen and it is hosted inside the normal/default login window of Mac OS. In documentation also it is written the maximum width it will support is 394 points for now, which for my use case of showing embeded browser seems very limited. However I do get wifi and power options. With NSWindowController it is a blank slate/screen. I do not see any wifi or power options, similar to my first attempt. All I see is a box with few buttons and red image as per view code. Just wanted to confirm, I have no other option but to provide wifi and power options by my own self. By trying the examples it is clear though, but still if there is some hope :).