




18.4 broke URLSession Downloads
Getting cannot parse response on all downalod tasks. Example output "BackgroundDownloadTask <E277D3D6-2FF0-4574-A617-1612ED779151>.<1>", "LocalDownloadTask <E277D3D6-2FF0-4574-A617-1612ED779151>.<1>" ), NSLocalizedDescription=cannot parse response, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=} Can't seem to find a workaround that i can push for app to work with 18.4 beta. Can't believe that beta went to the public.
iOS 18 SwiftUI navigation bar problem
Okay I know, fill a bug... but here is a super simple app that will demostrate that the navigation bar chnages from Dark scheme to light scheme when you tap back after it goes to the second view. import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationStack { NavigationLink { Text("Tap back and notice the navigation title changes to black text instead of white") .toolbarBackground(.visible, for: .navigationBar) .toolbarBackground(, for: .navigationBar) .toolbarColorScheme(.dark, for: .navigationBar) } label: { VStack { Text("First page is the sweetest") } .padding() } .navigationTitle("First Page") .toolbarBackground(.visible, for: .navigationBar) .toolbarBackground(, for: .navigationBar) .toolbarColorScheme(.dark, for: .navigationBar) } } } #Preview { ContentView() }
Sep ’24
Expose ContextMenu as annoucable
I have a list of items that have swipe actions that I'd like to hide from accessibility and make actions available via the AccessibilityActions modifier. Additionally, I would like to make the contextMenu annoucable as an action. This behavior exists in the Apple Podcasts app but can't find out to do it in SwiftUI. If the users knows to use the triple-tap, they can activate the context menu but have it as an action of the element is even better.
Sep ’24
LazyVGrid and multi item drag
The List control allows for multi selection and works seamlessly to select multiple items fro draggable. This does not work with LazyVGrid. I can only get a single item to drag. Tapping another item does not add to the drag collection. Is this not supported? You can see this work just fine in the Photos app. You can drag an item and easily add additional by tapping another while dragging. Just want this behavior in SwiftUI
Sep ’24
draggable modifier and Updatable Preview View
I am having to do some custom drag and drop with the draggable modifier and I am using a Preview, but I can't get the preview to update when there are more items being dragged. The original Preview remains static. Is this not possible to update a View that is being dragged?
Sep ’24
RefreshControl missing/malfunctioning plus/max phones
While I haven't seen this personally, just shared video from users, but in my app i have UITableViewController subclasses that use the UIRefreshControl for pull to refresh. For some strange reason on the iPhone max and Plus devices it is like the refresh part doesn't show at all. So you can't do a pull to refresh. The biggest change i had made was switching to SceneDelegates. I have no idea how that would be related.
Nov ’20
PanningGesture and swipe to delete problem
I have a view that i would like to use the Panning or Drag gesture to pull to dismiss and I have a Table that has swipe to delete actions. With the Pan/Drag gesture enabled I cannot consistently get the swipe to delete actions to work. How can i have the gesture on the main view without the gesture working on a particular area? Doesn't seem to be an option. This is with iOS 13
Aug ’20