I found in the AppKit doc Swift 5.2 Declaration var clickedRow: Int { get }Unfortunately I can't resolve it resp. I don't know how to use this info in myAppThanks for any helpgefa
To init a button in Objective-C I do the following (old fashion style) :------------------------@interface …{ IBOutlet NSButton *__strong aButton; …}@property(strong) NSButton *__strong aButton;------------------------@implementation …@synthesize aButton;------------------------How can this be done in iOS and Swift?
Hello Claude31,I hope that's you who resumes my last question. I tried to follow your advice:=> Create a new thread, copy your new post there, possibly giving a link to the first thread if needed=> Unmark your post and mark correct the real answer (post dated Mar 22, 2020 5:56 AM)=> Select each piece of code and hit <>Here the problem I want to post again:The problem we discussed is solved. Ok. Unfortunately, a new row selection problem has arised in a broader context. To understand, I need to describe this context a bit more than already done. There are the adapted lines of code you proposed: r_RowSelection = codeSystemTableView.indexPathsForSelectedRows!
let selectedRows = r_RowSelection.map() { $0.row}
r_RowSelectionDictionary[r_TemplateTerm] = selectedRows
r_SelectedRowIndexes = IndexSet(selectedRows)Everything is ok.The broader context: The codeSystemTableView should be able to display more that one table - not simultaneously within one and the same view, but successively. This is done by operating a button that iterates through the available tables. This button calls a function that runs the following code: DispatchQueue.main.async
}That’s ok too. The different tables can be displayed and its rows can be selected or unselected. Understandably, the selection on a particular table vanishes between the iterations, i.e. after reloadData(). Therefore user cannot check the selection state of the different tables by iterating through the tables. To tackle this problem the selections on the different tables is layed down in a dictionary as shown in the code lines above. To restore the selections the dictionary’s selectedRows are cast into an IndexSet as you proposed: r_SelectedRowIndexes = IndexSet(selectedRows)An IndexSet is needed to set the table’s row selection state by means of this function according to Xcode’s manual: func selectRowIndexes(_ indexes: IndexSet, byExtendingSelection extend: Bool)
Sets the row selection using indexes extending the selection if specified.Now, the new lines of code look like these: r_RowSelection = codeSystemTableView.indexPathsForSelectedRows!
let selectedRows = r_RowSelection.map() { $0.row}
r_RowSelectionDictionary[r_TemplateTerm] = selectedRows
r_SelectedRowIndexes = IndexSet(selectedRows)
codeSystemTableView.selectRowIndexes(r_SelectedRowIndexes, YES)1. Problem. The last line throws an error: Value of type 'UITableView' has no member 'selectRowIndexes' contradictory to what Xcode’s documents say.2. Problem. Printing r_RowSelection, selectRowIndexes, r_RowSelectionDictionary shows: r_RowSelection is [[0, 0], [0, 2], [0, 4], [0, 6]]) r_SelectedRowIndexes is 4 indexes r_RowSelectionDictionary is ["Template 1": [0, 2, 4, 6]]The r_RowSelectionDictionary contains one item. That’s ok because until now only one table has been activated. Iterating to the next table shows the following printout. r_RowSelection is [[0, 0]]) r_SelectedRowIndexes is 1 indexes r_RowSelectionDictionary is ["Template 1": [0, 2, 4, 6], "Template 2": [0]]That’s ok too. Now, two tables have been activated and some items selected. But what is wrong or irritating, the printed r_SelectedRowIndexes does not show the IndexSet but the number of items in the IndexSet, i.e. 4 indexes resp. 1 indexes: r_SelectedRowIndexes is 4 indexes r_SelectedRowIndexes is 1 indexesSome additional information to understand the code:The tables are represented by the keys "Template 1" and "Template 2". These keys refer to the appropriate tables. That’s ok too. For testing and demonstration there are two tables only. The number of tables is unlimited, at least theoretically.Do you have an idea how to solve these problems?Again, thank you very much for your help and please apologize my ignorance of the forum's rulesNow I hope I have done everything correctlyBest regardsgefa
Can I retrieve programmatically my own email addresses on an iPhone or iPad?Thank you for any hint.
Can anybody give me a hint deleting programmatically CKRedords in objective-c. I didn't find any help in the manuals.gefa
I want to overlay on the main storyboard a view with textfields for entering user name and password.
Is there a standard approach to do this?
Need I create a new window with a new view for the textfields?
I would be very grateful for a hint where I can get an info about this topic or perhaps a hint how to do this.
Thank you very much
I want to send from my app programmatically emails. I don't know how to use or set up:
@interface MFMailComposeViewController : UINavigationController
macOS Catalina, Xcode 11.0
To make it simple (my array may contain more than 2 strings)
myArray is:
"u011.08.20, 16:40:53 CEST00d 00h 00m 00su35",
"u011.08.20, 16:40:53 CEST00d 00h 00m 00su34"
Sorted array should be:
"u011.08.20, 16:40:53 CEST00d 00h 00m 00su34",
"u011.08.20, 16:40:53 CEST00d 00h 00m 00su35"
I looked at the NSArray doc. There are several proposals. Unfortunately, I don't know how to implement the declarations.
I am grateful for any help
I want to hide resp. unhide a view. I have found the following:
var isHidden: Bool { get set }
Unfortunately, I don't know how to implement it.
I would be grateful for any help
MyApp asks a user to do a job on his iPhone. After user has finished this job, data user has produced are uploaded to iCloud.
Thereafter MyApp should be quitted. I do the following:
This seems to work. No Error message. Unfortunately, the data user produces cannot be queried on iCloud. Data seem to be inexistent.
But, if I do the following:
Now user's data can be queried on iCloud.
But MyApp does NOT quit. The superview is still present. MyApp should be quitted to prevent user from doing impermissible operations. How can I quit MyApp programmatically?
Best regards
Previously, print() logs in a separate app’s window of Xcode worked well. Now the following (an example) no longer works:
print ("newRecordName is: (self.newRecordName)")
print ("newPassword is: (self.newPassword)")
print ("newUserName is: (self.newUsername)")
print ()
print ("8. viewDidLoad()")
print ()
The debug area is empty. I found no way to display the print output. Thanks for any help.
Apple Developer Technical Support usually sent a feedback email like this:
DTS Auto-Ack - Title of problem - Follow-up: xxxxxxxxxxxx (number)
After my last submission (a week ago) I didn't receive such a feedback email. Instead I received an email sent by "Apple Support" like this:
"Your request has been assigned the case number xxxxxxxxxxxxx. .Our team is working diligently to assist you with your request. We will respond to you in one to two business days. Please do not reply to this automated-email response."
Said this, they want to respond in "one to two business day". Now I am waiting for a week. The title of the submission is missing. If one submits more than one request it is difficult to differentiate them according to the case number xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Has anyone an idea what is going on?
Best regards
The docs at App Store Connect are full of advices for auto-renewable subscriptions. I want to set up an app as a non-consumable one with a free trial period (i.e. 1 month). I cannot find how to do this. I would be grateful for any hint or help.
Having two app versions: basic and premium. Both are with equal content but with different allowances. Basic version can do less than the premium version. When upgrading from basic to premium is the basic version on the mac deleted or is it still there but only disabled by the App Store? In the last case there are two subscriptions on the mac: one enabled the other disabled. If only subscription duration or price is upgraded or downgraded there is no problem involved because both have the same allowances.
Thanks for any help or advice
I try to set up an in-App Purchase of my app. I have studied quite a lot of manuals and links. The app is written in Objective-C. But manuals and links refer to Swift code. I found no solution how to implement an in-App Purchase in Objective-C code. I am looking for a code example which I can adapt to and integrate into my app.
Thank you for any help
Best regards