Hello, We are currently developing a healthcare app using React Native and have successfully implemented the feature to fetch data such as step count, weight, blood pressure, and heart rate from HealthKit.
While we have no issues with the data retrieval itself, we have encountered a problem regarding the blood pressure data. In HealthKit's Heart → Blood Pressure → Data Sources & Access section, the "APPS AND SERVICES ALLOWED TO READ DATA" shows as "NONE," and there's no option within HealthKit to toggle the connection ON or OFF. Instead, the control for ON/OFF is available in the iPhone's SETTINGS → Health → Data Sources & Access, specifically for "Diastolic Blood Pressure" and "Systolic Blood Pressure".
Please note that the ability to toggle ON/OFF within HealthKit is available for step count, weight, and heart rate.
Could this issue with blood pressure data be due to the requirement of two permissions (for diastolic and systolic readings), and that's why it's not displayed correctly in HealthKit? What are the possible solutions for controlling the blood pressure data ON/OFF toggle within HealthKit?