My app has been rejected by App Store review because the sign in with Apple functionality is not working properly. I'm able to reproduce the issue on my end but I don't understand why it's happening.
I have two other apps that implement the same OAuth flow in an identical manner, and those apps have no issues signing in with Apple.
I've copied my OAuth flow to a fresh project to see if that would make a difference, and it gives me the exact same error. In the simulator I get "invalid_request, invalid web redirect URL", and on-device the FaceID authentication fails with a very non-specific "Sign Up Not Completed" error.
I'm completely out of ideas here, so any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
The following:
tabBarController.tabs = [
UITab(title: "First",
image: UIImage(...),
identifier: "First Tab") { _ in
Works as expected. Tap on a a tab or sidebar item, and myViewController appears.
However, the following:
let collectionsGroup = UITabGroup(
title: "Lists",
image: nil,
identifier: "Tabs.CollectionsGroup",
children: [
UITab(title: "First", image: nil, identifier: "First Tab") { _ in
]) { _ in
Does not work as expected. Tapping on any tab in the sidebar always displays fallbackViewController, instead of myViewController or any other specified view controllers in the given tab.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug with the current betas?
All of my TestFlight builds expired themselves and I can't submit any new builds for external testing. The general error message I see is "There was an error processing your request. Please try again later." and looking at the console I see a more specific error "API Response Error: TF_BETA_APP_REVIEW_RESPONSE".
I've sent a couple of emails to support but I haven't heard anything back yet.
What's going on with App Store Connect these days? It's so unreliable.
I'm unable to properly fill out and submit the banking form for a Canadian bank account. The form doesn't properly validate my transit number, I can't find my bank in the manual lookup, and despite the transit number being incorrect I can still submit the form but it just spins indefinitely. The fonts also seem to be broken in the form dropdowns, so it feels like there's something not quite right with the form in general right now. Can someone please advise me on how to submit my banking information?
Thank you.