I solved this problem by customizing CMake itself to suppress the output of 'Framework Search Path' during CMake Generate.
thank you,
Thank you for your reply.
I have uploaded a minimal project with similar issue below.
After doing some research, I found that the build passed by removing the following set in 'Framework Search Path' in 'Build Settings', but since I am using CMake I am unable to remove the above settings.
Also, it seems that there is no problem with the above settings itself, but is it possible to avoid this problem in some way?
As a supplement, AVKit.framework is included in the link target.
My same problem is solved.
In my case, I solved it by changing the Installation Directory in the App TARGET Deployment settings from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer to $(LOCAL_APPS_DIR), or /Applications.
Or maybe the following will help.
Hello, I am also having the same problem.
In my case, after the error, when I check the directory, .xcarchive is output, but Info.plist is not present inside .xcarchive.
When I created another simple project, I verified that the Info.plist was present inside the correctly generated .xcarchive.