




Validate drag operations with Transferable
Let's say I want to build a simple photo management app on Mac or iPad with Swift UI. This app has multi-window support. My photos are organized inside albums. I should be able to drag photos between windows from one album to another. I struggle to get this working properly with Swift UI. Writing modern code I would like to use Transferable. Let's say my photos are not real files. So I can't use a FileRepresentation. Instead I use CodableRepresentation and encode an identifier. This identifier is later used to drive the move operation between folders. I ran into some limitations here Transferable seems to be meant for copy-like Drag & Drop operations. I have no possible to get a "move" cursor on macOS (it's always the copy cursor with the green + sign). Also the API reads like it is about importing/exporting – not moving. When using dropDestination on ForEach, I completely lack the possibility to deny a drop (e.g. when a photo is already part of the album). I'd like to have modifier key to switch between copying and moving. Sometimes a drop should be redirected to a different index. How to do that? Is there any chance to do this with Transferable? It even doesn't seem to be easy with NSItemProvider and onDrop/onDrag? Or should we still use a plain old UICollectionView/NSCollectionView, if we want to have more sophisticated control over drag/drop validation?
Jan ’25
Avoiding deletion of referenced records
Let's say I have a CloudKit database schema where I have records of type Author that are referenced by multiple records of type Article. I want to delete an Author record if no Article is referencing it. Now consider the following conflict: device A deleted the last Article referencing Author #42 device B uploads a new Article referencing Author #42 at the same time The result should be that Author #42 is not deleted after both operations are finished. But both device don't know from each other changes. So either device B could miss that device A deleted the author. Or device A could have missed that a new Article was uploaded and therefore the Author #42 was deleted right after the upload of device B. I though about using a reference count first. But this won't work if the ref count is part of the Author record. This is because deletions do not use the changeTag to detect lost updates: If device A found a reference count 0 and decides to delete the Author, it might miss that device B incremented the count meanwhile. I currently see two alternatives: Using a second record that outlives the Author to keep the reference count and using an atomic operation to update and delete it. So if the update fails, the delete would fail either. Always adding a new child record to the Author whenever a reference is made. We could call it ReferenceToken. Since child records may not become dangling, CloudKit would stop a deletion, if a new ReferenceToken sets the parent reference to the Author. Are there any better ways doing this?
Nov ’24
CKSyncEngine and desiredKeys
I have a CKRecord that references an CKAsset. If I understand it correctly, CKSyncEngine would download the asset every time the record has changed on the server. (Of course it would try to use the local asset cache, but worst-case it might be already flushed) The documentation for CKAsset says that asset downloads can be prevented by limiting the requested record keys using the desiredKeys property on the fetch operation. But I don't see any possibility to set this property when using CKSyncEngine. Did I miss something? Are there any alternatives?
Nov ’24