I am trying without luck to create a .dmg or .pkg for my electron app that can be opened by any user on a mac. Every time I fail. All is happening by the same pattern. Here is the last try with creating a .pkg instead of .dmg.
The app is built and it is signed correctly (I suppose)
codesign --verify --verbose=1 dist/mac-universal/VIVIDTIME.app
dist/mac-universal/VIVIDTIME.app: valid on disk
dist/mac-universal/VIVIDTIME.app: satisfies its Designated Requirement
I created a .pkg
pkgbuild --root "dist/mac-universal/VIVIDTIME.app" \
--install-location "/Applications/VIVIDTIME.app" \
--identifier "app.vividtime.mac" \
--version "1.1.0" \
--sign "Developer ID Installer: Pavel Bochkov-Rastopchin (2QKDCTR5Y3)" \
pkgbuild: Inferring bundle components from contents of dist/mac-universal/VIVIDTIME.app
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/Mantle.framework
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/VIVIDTIME Helper.app
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/VIVIDTIME Helper (GPU).app
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/Electron Framework.framework
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/Squirrel.framework
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/VIVIDTIME Helper (Renderer).app
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/VIVIDTIME Helper (Plugin).app
pkgbuild: Adding component at Contents/Frameworks/ReactiveObjC.framework
pkgbuild: Using timestamp authority for signature
pkgbuild: Signing package with identity "Developer ID Installer: Pavel Bochkov-Rastopchin (2QKDCTR5Y3)" from keychain /Users/innrvoice/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db
pkgbuild: Adding certificate "Developer ID Certification Authority"
pkgbuild: Adding certificate "Apple Root CA"
pkgbuild: Wrote package to dist/VIVIDTIME.pkg