Thanks for the response. I'm aware of share extensions, but they appear above the sharing app and are totally separate from the main app's data. Using a share extension is going to require breaking down my code into frameworks and also finding ways to update shared data that the share extension can use from my main app.
If I can simply open the image in my app (as in the example apps I mentioned above, like Instagram, Obsidian, etc), then all of that complexity is gone.
However, it seems like CFBundleDocumentTypes (at least as I've configured it) will only achieve what I want when sharing a single photo from the Photos app. It doesn't work in Safari or Mail, or if I've selected multiple photos in the Photos app.
These other apps are able to do all of those things, and yet they switch control to the receiving app instead of just appearing over the sending app like a share extension.
How can I do the same thing?
This is an old question, but I'm having similar issues: changes to CFBundleDocumentTypes in my Info.plist just don't take effect, even after re-installing the app, cleaning and re-building, etc.
None of these solutions helped me (though I didn't try erasing my phone).
I know this post is about a year old, but if you're encountering this same issue today with Xcode 16 and the iPhone 16, the following post from an Apple engineer contains a solution:
In case anyone comes across this topic in the future, CKRecord is now officially Sendable (source).
I believe this change was made in iOS 17.
I don't see that page anymore, but keep in mind that that pricing is only for usage of the public database. Usage of the private database comes out of the user's iCloud quota.
This happens if the interaction doesn't have an associated view. I think this should probably emit some kind of warning, but instead it just returns (0,0,0,0) as the bounds.
To fix it, you need someImageView.addInteraction(interaction) before you access the subjects array.
Try using a didSet on each of the AppStorage fields. This can either:
immediately call updateAvailableWords whenever there's a change
set a flag indicating that availableWords is out of date; make availableWords a computed property that updates itself only if that flag is true
Also, I would make availableWords private(set) - external clients should not be manipulating it directly.
I know this is an old question, but you can test this kind of error-handling logic by temporarily adding code to throw these errors, e.g.:
throw CKError(.requestRateLimited, [CKErrorRetryAfterKey: NSNumber(value: 10)
I was able to solve this using the StackOverflow question mentioned by @Claude31 below. In my case, I opened "Devices and Simulators", then unpaired the device, closed Xcode, opened Xcode, and re-paired the device.
This seems to be fixed in Beta 4
Seeing this too
Vist "" and sign into your account there to renew. Not sure if you can renew from the Developer app.
Since you're suggesting an Enhancement Request, does that mean there's currently no way to detect this situation?
Thanks, Matt! I filed Feedback Assistant FB8423040 describing this in more detail.
Similarly, I'd like to know if NetServiceBrowser#searchForServices fails because of a missing Local Network permission. In that case, I'd expect to receive netServiceBrowser(didNotSearch:), but it's not invoked.