how to animate self sizing cell size change due relayout?
Turns out:
collectionView.performBatchUpdates {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.25, animations: {
cellViewReference.updateState(state: state, animated: false)
how to synchronize outside views with collection views?
Just don't, it doesn't end well...
If A was a library that was built to be linked dynamically (at least if it was a dynamically-linked Framework), then the symbols and the implementation of B would be copied into A automatically.
But if it needs to stay a statically linked library, then Perform Single-Object Prelink build setting might just do the trick!
No, there is no way to automatically copy the resources if the regular Embed Frameworks isn't used.
It has to be done manually.
I have figured the work around for this back in December already - in it I would open another Xcode project and then with the project window open, I would open the needed project with File - Open Recent.
Here's a funny thing: today, that OTHER project has stopped opening too. Amazing.
Now I'm using a third, different project, and apparently I'm running out, but statistically, I'll lose access to all of them only by 2023. Amazing.