




Keep Apple Vision Pro Awake
I have two Apple Vision Pros so that I can make and test a multi-player immersive reality game. But I am one developer, so I need to be able to take one Apple Vision Pro off, and put the other one on to see what the other device is seeing, and to ensure my game information is correctlly being sent over the network with multipeer connectivity. But when I take one off, the Apple Vision Pro immediately goes to sleep. With Apple Vision Pro OS 1, I could put a piece of paper into the pro and they would stay on for hours, and I could take them on and off and debug my game. But now with VisionOS 2, even with the paper they soon go to sleep. Is there a setting I can change or override as a developer to stop this auto sleep or auto lock? I need to check things like: when two devices are on the network, can I see them both so that players can select each other from a menu? can i send object positions back and forth Thank you.
Oct ’24