




how to convert mlmodel to reference object?
Hello, I have downloaded and run the sample object tracking app for visionos. Now I'm working on my own objects for tracking. I have made a model using Create ML using images of my object. However, I cannot see how to convert the Create ML output file (***.mlmodel) into a reference object like the files in the sample project. is there a tool for converting them? TIA
Guided Capture iOS analysis phase time?
I've just watched "Meet Object Capture for iOS wwdc23" and have installed and run the app. After taking > 120 images of my model I clicked the "Finish" button and the app is now showing a spinning pinwheel. It has been running for about 22 hours. Is it going to finish or should I kill it? TIA!
Jan ’25
how to add entities to a volume or immersive view programmatically?
I have created two scenes, one immersive and one volumetric using Reality Composer Pro. In my test app I can view both and they render correctly. However, I would like to add entities programmatically. I am trying this; var body: some View { RealityView { content in if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Scene", in: realityKitContentBundle) { viewModel.rootEntity = scene content.add(scene) var anchorEntity = AnchorEntity(world: [0, 0, -0.5]) let sphere = MeshResource.generateSphere(radius: 2.0) let material = SimpleMaterial(color: .red, roughness: 0.5, isMetallic: true) let modelEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: sphere, materials: [material]) anchorEntity.addChild(modelEntity) content.add(anchorEntity) } } } However, the sphere does not appear in the volume. I also tried it in the immersive space and it does not appear there either. What am I missing?
Oct ’24
NSTableView in view controller problem
I have a view controller which displays an NSTableView showing a list of names. I create two instances of this view controller in subviews in two different windows. In one window the view controller works fine, in the second it does not! In the second, the initial load of data works, but when the scroller is moved, the delegate is not called and no new data is displayed (blanks instead). Also, no clicks in the table are recognized in the VC! Below are screen caps of the two windows side by side. The first shows initial loading which is correct. In the second window I have clicked once in the scroll bar. Identical code!
Jan ’22