I have developed and ported a sequencer to Apple macOS. It is written in ANSI C and uses Gtk+-3.0 (Gimp Toolkit) for UI.
This toolkit uses some Cocoa specific backend, note there are different backends for different platforms available.
After some research I have found this:
The function I wanted to use was:
But the header file doesn't contain it:
So was it deprecated? Howto do this, nowadays?
		struct task_category_policy tcatpolicy;
		int ret;
		if((ret = task_policy_set(mach_task_self(),
			TASK_CATEGORY_POLICY, (thread_policy_t)&tcatpolicy,
			fprintf(stderr, "set_my_task_policy() failed.\n");
Because the UI animation performance is really bad. The threads interfacing CoreAudio are fine.
The UI thread is usually the main thread of the process.
Hi, I would love to code with the Neural Engine on my macbook pro M1 2020.
Is there any low-level API to create my very own work-loads?
I am working with audio and MIDI. As well sound synthesis and mixing.
Can I use the Neural Engine to offload the CPU? I am especially interested in parallelism using threads.
My programming lanuage of choice is ANSI C and Objective C.
I did a complex makefile setup with git LFS and submodules. All files extracted, build, installed and deploy to MyApplication.app by makefile.
The application and its dependencies are built within 1 hour across many makefile targets.
The finaly DMG is built by hditool invocation within makefile.
I commented out the call to open -n MyApplication.app
I would love to run the integration test suite of MyApplication.app, this are compiled tests.
Are there common rules document writing makefiles for Apple XCodeCloud? How can I setup continues integration builds in cloud?
What works so far is running build and showing opened git directories. I am familiar with Aquamacs.app or emacs and command line tools. But don't know much about XCode. I read some documents but they all were using integrated build system, I think.
regards, J.
I build my application bundle by makefile and later using productbuild to create an application installer. This works fine.
But as uploading it to apple using Transporter I get these 2 error messages.
#01 error message:
Asset validation failed (90242)
The product archive is invalid. The Info.plist must contain a LSApplicationCategoryType key, whose value is the UTI for a valid category. For more details, see "Submitting your Mac apps to the App Store". (ID: f25a48a4-8e89-4824-9f22-a6bc2fb90193)
#02 error message:
Asset validation failed (90259)
Bad Bundle Executable. You must include a valid CFBundleExecutable key in your bundle's information property list file. (ID: c3d9f35a-5a27-4cc6-bba8-56cf514c3ad9)
Here is my Info.plist
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>6.4.3, Copyright 2005-2024 Joel Kraehemann</string>
<string>Copyright 2005-2024 Joel Kraehemann, GNU General Public License.</string>
Here are the 2 binaries in MacOS directory:
ls -1 gsequencer-macos/build/universal/GSequencer.app/Contents/MacOS/
Please help me to fix.
regards, Joël
I have create a universal app then did this:
But this doesn't produce a working package installer.
productbuild --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: ****" --component /Applications/MyApp.app MyApp-universal.pkg
Do I need to create a code signature with codesign, prior to call productbuild?
regards, Joël
I would love to disable app sandbox completely, because my music application requires extended filesystem permissions. Like reading configuration files from $HOME and enabling services through sockets.
The UI toolkit I am using endorses IPC mechanism.
cheers, Joël
I have codesigned my application and after this macos won't run the binary anymore.
codesign -f -o runtime --timestamp -s "Developer ID Application: YOUR NAME (TEAM_ID)" --entitlements $HOME/workspace/GSequencer-cocoa/gsequencer-macos/macos-contrib/GSequencer.entitlements -i com.gsequencer.GSequencer --deep $HOME/workspace/GSequencer-cocoa/gsequencer-macos/build/universal/GSequencer.app
Verify signature works.
codesign -vv $HOME/workspace/GSequencer-cocoa/gsequencer-macos/build/universal/GSequencer.app
The same for the DMG file, still doesn't work anymore.
codesign -f -o runtime --timestamp -s "Developer ID Application: YOUR NAME (TEAM_ID)" $HOME/workspace/GSequencer-cocoa/gsequencer-macos/build/arm64/GSequencer-6.9.1.dmg
I would love to distribute my application with code signing. Note all libraries are built using clang or clang++.
I figured out that when I leave entitlements away it would launch but complains about library signatures.
regards, Joël
After upload using transporter I get following message:
"Cannot be used with TestFlight because the signature for the bundle at “GSequencer.app” is missing an application identifier but has an application identifier in the provisioning profile for the bundle. Bundles with application identifiers in the provisioning profile are expected to have the same identifier signed into the bundle in order to be eligible for TestFlight." (90886)
I am unsure about the cause of this problem, please give some advice howto fix?
My application doesn't start playback anymore after signing it with entitlements.
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
regards, Joël
I am experience crashes with my application after code signing, this didn't happen before. Does OpenGL require special permissions?
GSequencer stack-trace gtk4 crash
by, Joël
For the very same plugin dlopen() sometimes fails. The library is present but sometimes it returns NULL and sometimes a valid plugin handle.
Here is the code:
char *filename;
void *plugin_so;
filename = "/Applications/com.example.MyApp/Contents/Plugins/myplugin.dylib";
plugin_so = dlopen(filename,
I have debugged using lldb checked filename and it is present.
The myplugin.dylib file supports 2 architectures, arm64 and x86_64.
regards, Joël
I am getting into a trap. Please check stack-trace, howto fix this?
regards, Joël
stack-trace with ExtAudioFileWrite
My application ships a copy of following cryptographic libraries:
It's purpose is to connect by secured HTTP to an optional server, that might be turned on to allow to receive HTTP requests.
I think this is standard encryption, but do I need to mention this explicitely with App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption?
The application doesn't encrypt content it is just for secured HTTP connections.
regards, Joël
I use AudioQueueNewInput() with my very own run loop and dedicated thread. But now it doesn't show the mic alert window.
Howto fix this?
ags_core_audio_port_input_run_loop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode,
I was notified about quarantine files but I don't know why?
ITMS-91109: Invalid package contents - The package contains one or more files with the com.apple.quarantine extended file attribute
The mentioned file is to project logo as PNG image. The PNG file is located here: