interface_style was in this case null so I test it for being empty. now.
if([interface_style length] != 0){
// ...
Yes, it does but you can't set stream information. Nope, is the answer of the read only property.
after signing the binary it worked.
I tried this to obtain microphone access:
[AVCaptureDevice requestAccessForMediaType:AVMediaTypeAudio completionHandler:^(BOOL granted) {
if (granted) {
g_message("granted microphone access");
g_message("not granted microphone access");
Further I added these keys and values to Info.plist:
<string>Only microphone used.</string>
<string>The application uses your microphone.</string>
And the sandbox and hardening entitlements:
But it didn't work.
man dyld and check for debugging environment variables to turn on diagnostics. Check for failed initializers helped me.
Actually 2 libraries the plugin was using were not found.
problem fixed.
by, Joël
This was due to different location of config file within sandbox.
on macOS for App Store.
And upload succeeds.
xcrun altool --upload-app -f MyApp-universal.pkg -t osx -u ****
After this I validated the package successful.
xcrun altool --validate-app -f ****-universal.pkg -t osx -u ****
I think it is necessary to sign first the binary, because else App sandbox won't work. So first:
codesign --entitlements /Applications/ -s "Apple Distribution: ****" /Applications/MyAppapp
I checked the installer package in a VM. It works with sandbox.
codesign did the job.
I was able to fix error message #01 but #02 still makes problems.
Asset validation failed (90259)
Bad Bundle Executable. You must include a valid CFBundleExecutable key in your bundle's information property list file. (ID: 20d29eb7-40a8-4a38-ac75-2a75452d04cf)
I have got the same problem as using Xcode.
PostScript is a stack based programming language. Might be you should try to solve it in PostScript level 3 itself.
Search online for "Postscript Primer" or "Postscript Language Reference".
PDF is a PostScript level 3 dialect.
regards, Joël
This seems to be what I need. Vector operations and such.
The Neural Engine looks versatile.