




Is there a way to filter PHPickerViewController by the creation date of the assets?
Our app filters the photo library to a certain date range for ease of picking photos. However, to do this, we have to require full permissions to the photo library. We would like to use the PHPickerViewController and have it filter the results by the assets creation date? This would allow us to use it. I see other filter options, but not this one. And if it isn't there, is this something that is being thought about or on a roadmap?
Jan ’25
How to influence 'Automatic' format selection of photos in iOS Safari photo picker?
In my app mobile web app, it is common for users to select lots of photos at once. One of the issues is that by default, it seems that iOS converts the photos selected before returning them, and doesn't have a good UX for indicating what it is doing. It just looks like nothing happens after you tap 'Add'. The more photos selected, the longer it takes as it is converting them in the background without an indication of what is happening. My app can handle unconverted, HEIC format, photos. So it is ideal if the photo picker from Safari just returns the images in their original format. In iOS 17, there is an 'Options' button in the picker that provides a 'FORMAT' selection which defaults to 'Automatic'. The other 2 options are 'Current' and 'Most Compatible'. The subtext indicates that 'Automatic' will use the 'best format for the destination'. Given that, is there a way for me to indicate to the photo picker from safari that 'Current' is the best format for my destination? I tried setting the 'accept' attribute on my file input field to be 'image/*' which I thought made the most sense. But it still seems to default to converting all the images. It is a pain to have to educate users to manually go and adjust the format option to be 'Current'. It would be great if I could indicate in my html file input field that I want the picker to return non converted files. I can't find a way to do this, or really any documentation about this for that matter. If anyone knows where documentation is, or how to do it, I would appreciate the help greatly :). Thank you! Josh
Dec ’23