




NFCTagReaderSession: Select master file?
I am trying to use the NFCTagReaderSession to SELECT the master file of a ISO 7816 smartcard by sending a corresponding NFCISO7816APDU after connecting to the card, but I am running into errors: Error Domain=NFCError Code=2 "Missing required entitlement" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Missing required entitlement} Error Domain=NFCError Code=103 "Session invalidated" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Session invalidated} I know that in order to communicate with a NFCISO7816Tag I need to declare the supported AIDs in the Info.plist, but what am I supposed to declare here?
Jan ’25
Getting Active Devices via the API?
I am trying to retrieve the numbers displayed in "App Analytics" under "Metrics" > "Active Devices" using the API. Since there does not seem to be a dedicated report for this metric I am using the daily "App Sessions Standard" report and by looking at the "Sessions" field I am able to recreate the numbers displayed for the "Sessions" metric. However if I try to infer the active devices by looking at the "Unique Devices" field my numbers for individual days are in the same ballpark (deviations may be attributable to privacy reasons?), but the total number of devices is way off. Is there a better way to recreate this metric?
Dec ’24
Bundle.main.preferredLocalizations vs. Locale.preferredLanguages vs. "AppleLanguages"
On iOS Bundle.main.preferredLocalizations returns the list of languages the application bundle supports in user-preferred order with the first element being the language the application is running in. Additionally Locale.preferredLanguages returns the list of languages in the order they are presented in > General > Language & Region > Preferred Languages with the first element being the user's "primary language" (i.e. the language the system is running in). However this only seems to be true unless the user has chosen a per-app language which is different from the primary language in which case Locale.preferredLanguages.first is equal to Bundle.main.preferredLocalizations.first - regardless of the latter's position in the Preferred Languages list. Furthermore this seems to change depending on the value of the "AppleLanguages" key in the User Defaults' global domain (see c.f. Is this behaviour documented anywhere? Addendum: I know that according to AppleLanguages is an implementation detail, not something that’s considered API. Locale.preferredLanguages is API, though.
Nov ’24
Infer error domain and code from localizedDescription
I have been bitten by this repeatedly so I am finally going to ask: Is there a way to infer an error from its localizedDescription only? It sometimes happens that a user reaches out for support with just a localized error message, but no error code or error domain and it is really hard to correctly guess what the non-localized description may have been in order to search for it. For example I know from experience that "Der eingegebene Benutzername oder das Passwort ist ungültig." is the German localization of "The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct." which in turn is errSecAuthFailed (aka. -25293). It would be really helpful to be able to just look this up somewhere...
Sep ’24
CBATTErrorRequestNotSupported while transferring data between Bluetooth LE devices
I am trying to implement BLE communication between installations of an iOS app and I am following Transferring Data Between Bluetooth Low Energy Devices since the data I need to transfer exceeds the 512 byte limit for attribute values. I already have this working based on an older version of the app, however after I integrated with the mainline of development I am getting CBATTErrorRequestNotSupported which seems to be caused by OSStatus 65535 (which is kBluetoothSDPErrorCodeReservedEnd, but that is documented to not even be present on iOS). So it seems that a change on our end is causing these errors, but I am completely stumped as to what change that might be. Is anyone able to enlighten me?
Aug ’24
Keychain ACLs and evaluatedPolicyDomainState
If on iOS an app protects a keychain item with an access control list that specifies .biometryCurrentSet in its SecAccessControlCreateFlags the app loses access to the item if the set of currently enrolled fingers (for Touch ID) or the currently enrolled user (for Face ID) changes - which corresponds to a change of the evaluatedPolicyDomainState. We have users reporting loss of such items even though - as they assure us - they have not touched (no pun intended) anything under "[Touch|Face] ID & Code" in Is there another reason why an app may lose access to such items?
Mar ’24
Background notifications and user interaction
The (archived) Local and Remote Notifications Programming Guide contains the following: To support a background update notification, make sure that the payload’s aps dictionary includes the content-available key with a value of 1. If there are user-visible updates that go along with the background update, you can set the alert, sound, or badge keys in the aps dictionary, as appropriate. The current documentation however reads: To send a background notification, create a remote notification with an aps dictionary that includes only the content-available key, as shown in the sample code below. You may include custom keys in the payload, but the aps dictionary must not contain any keys that would trigger user interactions. What caused this change and why is no longer supported to send additional keys (e.g. an alert dictionary) in the aps dictionary of a background notification?
Aug ’23