




Can't enroll in developer program
So I've been trying for almost two months to enroll in the developer program and have opened support tickets but have gotten nowhere. The first time I tried, my payment went through but was then reversed by Apple and taken back and my enrollment didn't go through. I called support and they said to try a different card, so I did. The same thing happened where it went through and then Apple took it back a few days later (I called both banks and they confirmed that the reversal was initiated by Apple). All attempts since then (including with a third card) will result in being redirected to a page with "Your payment authorization failed on card •••****. Please verify your information and try again, or try another payment method."Information is multiple times checked, and includes the card saved on the Apple ID which had gone through the first time, and I bought a small app in the app store to confirm that card was still working with Apple (it was). The only thing I haven't been able to do is enroll in the development program. When I call support they tell me to try the same things I've already tried multiple times and also say they aren't aware of any problems like this and say they haven't had any problems with developer enrollment payment processing. Has anyone else experienced this and been prevented from enrolling? Anyone know a way to get through and enroll?
Feb ’20