




Unpredictable delays in async responses from StoreKit 2
Hi, I've been reported, and I've experienced myself, extremely slow responses from StoreKit 2 on boot. I can reproduce the issue quite consistently with the iPhone, sometimes Transaction.currentEntitlements hangs for minutes even after the device has attained full Internet access. My app is a VPN client, so there's certainly a chicken-and-egg situation, but I'm performing a basic test without the in-app validation in the packet tunnel provider. The tunnel starts fine on boot (on-demand), whereas the app takes ages to return from AppTransaction.shared and Transaction.currentEntitlements. I guess this is caused by some network call inside the framework (maybe spoiled by the on-demand VPN?), but with no timeout, exceptions, logging, or future-proof fallback (appStoreReceiptURL is deprecated), I'm poking in the dark. It goes without saying, keeping the users waiting minutes to be credited for their purchases is a no-go. I still can't find a reasonable workaround, but the frustrating part is that StoreKit 2 was supposed to make these things straightforward. At times, it doesn't feel "ready" and I spend on it a lot of time that I'd rather invest in the product. Does this sound familiar to anybody? Thanks in advance Davide
Missing EnvironmentObject from TableColumn on macOS
I encountered a strange behavior that reminded me of when .sheet() modifiers didn't inherit environment objects. Unless I'm missing something very obvious, it seems to me that TableColumn may expose the same issue. At least on macOS, because the very same code does not crash on iOS. I'm posting this here before reporting a SwiftUI bug. Below is a gist for a playground: I also observe inconsistent behavior when building with Xcode 16.1 or 15.4, specifically: The workaround I resorted to is re-propagating the environment from the parent:
Nov ’24
Detecting TestFlight build on macOS
I currently use this hack to determine a TestFlight build on iOS: Now that TestFlight also supports macOS, I wonder two things: Is there a standard API to detect a TestFlight build? In general, a TestFlight framework would be HIGHLY desirable If not, anyone knows a hack like the above that would work for macOS? I ask because the in-app receipt is called "receipt" even for TestFlight builds on macOS. Thanks in advance
Nov ’21