Am showing daily screen-time of a user in my app in Device Activity Report Extension. The only way to get that is to sum up all the activityDuration of apps/categories/domains. But it differs a lot from phone's settings screen-time, why?
I have debugged in details and counted manually the time spent on each app and it turned out that the calculation is appearing correctly in my app but Phone settings showing quite less time on top (Day).
Hi everyone, I need to display a Graph based on Screen-time of apps per hour, from 12Am to 11PM. Am able to get the screen-time data for whole day with each app's total screen-time value.
Am kind of confused how can I get the per hour screen-time of apps. I have applied filter of day
segment: .daily(
during: Calendar.current.dateInterval(
of: .day, for: .now
users: .all,
devices: .init([.iPhone, .iPad])
Am also using this data to display apps with their usage just like Apple's Screen_time in settings.
I need to display exact same graph just like Apple's screen in phone settings for a Day.