authorizationStatus is not updating on permission changed.
This is what I came up after spending hours in trying different solutions.
You can simply add below requestAuthorization in applicationWillEnterForeground (if you have logged in mechanism please call when user logged in), this will initiate permission popover if permission required otherwise it will not do anything.
Task {
do {
try await AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization(for: .individual)
} catch {
And to observe the permission status
AuthorizationCenter.shared.$authorizationStatus.sink { authorizationStatus in
print("authorizationStatus updated")
.store(in: &cancellables)
Though this observer will get called on every app launch, you can update your views or block apps again depending on your needs.
DeviceActivityReport will give you data for all of the installed apps on your phone (devices: .init([.iPhone])).
Then you have to filter down that data based on your restricted apps which you have selected through FamilyActivitySelection().
After spending some time I been able to resolve by myself. Filters played it's part
To fetch daily per hour screen-time data, we need to use this filter
segment: .hourly(during: Calendar.current.dateInterval(of: .day, for: .now)!),
users: .all,
devices: .init([.iPhone, .iPad])
Hourly segment will ensure that data DeviceActivityResults will have activitySegments on per hour basis and .day dateInterval will give whole day's data.
Now you can configure your data models accordingly
for example:
func makeConfiguration(representing data: DeviceActivityResults<DeviceActivityData>) async -> ActivityReport {
for await d in data {
// activitySegments are per hour data because we have applied hourly filter
for await a in d.activitySegments {
// Here you can check the associated hour to the segment
let hour = a.dateInterval.start
for await c in a.categories {
for await app in c.applications {
// Now this app's data will be on the basis of per hour
logger.log("Apps usage segment dateInterval: \(hour, privacy: .public)") }
You can do something like this:
Unlock app for certain period of time via ShieldActionExtension, during this unlock process save that app using it's Token in shared preference (Shared User Defaults).
You can save using this procedure:
struct ApplicationProfile: Codable, Hashable {
let id: UUID
let applicationToken: ApplicationToken
init(id: UUID = UUID(), applicationToken: ApplicationToken) {
self.applicationToken = applicationToken = id
// You can get this token from ShieldAction delegate method handle action
let profile = ApplicationProfile(applicationToken: token)
The app you have unlocked is saved, now schedule an event according to your desired threshold using the profile you have in your shared cache.
let unlockTime = 900 // Time in seconds
let threshold = DateComponents(second: unlockTime)
let event: [DeviceActivityEvent.Name: DeviceActivityEvent] = [
DeviceActivityEvent.Name( DeviceActivityEvent(
applications: Set<ApplicationToken>([application]),
threshold: threshold
let center = DeviceActivityCenter()
let schedule = DeviceActivitySchedule(
intervalStart: DateComponents(hour: 0, minute: 0),
intervalEnd: DateComponents(hour: 23, minute: 59),
repeats: true
do {
try center.startMonitoring(DeviceActivityName(, during: schedule, events: event)
} catch {
print("Device monitoring error: \(error)")
This will schedule a device activity for 24 hours, which will monitor the app usage.
Once that threshold reached (user have used app for 15 minutes in your case) your DeviceActivityMonitorExtension delegate method eventDidReachThreshold will get called
Now lock the app again.
override func eventDidReachThreshold(_ event: DeviceActivityEvent.Name, activity: DeviceActivityName) {
super.eventDidReachThreshold(event, activity: activity)
// Handle the event reaching its threshold.
guard let activityId = UUID(uuidString: activity.rawValue) else { return }
guard let application = SharedData.getApplicationProfile(id: activityId) else { return }
logger.log("DeviceActivityMonitorExtension: Apps shield set again")
In this way you will be able to apply shield on respective app after your threshold reached.
Hope that helps you.